On Neutrality

Day 919, 13:33 Published in India USA by St Krems

Citizens of India,

I heard recently that you were considering becoming a truly neutral country and ending our long time and mutually beneficial rental agreement for the region of Karnataka. I congratulate you on your patriotism, you have exactly the same fierce national pride that my country, the eUS showed when we threw PEACE (now known as Phoenix) out of our homeland.

A united and complete India is certainly something you have every right to aspire to, and while it may surprise you, it is one of the things America wants as well. We have been working towards a free and independent India for a long time, we worked with your leaders to free your regions from the control of Indonesia and Iran when you asked us to and we have been helping protect you from PTOs twice a month for a very long time.

Please believe me when I say that we respect your decision to end our rental agreement, we have never had the intention of holding onto Karnataka longer then you allowed us to. However, before you end our agreement please consider what exactly this entails.

Your President says that India will hold onto Karnataka for itself to and use the income from this region to fund its new neutral position. Let's examine exactly what this means. Right now the eUS pays 900g to India monthly for Karnataka in addition to paying both sides of its MPP with India. You will not make this much gold with the region. Obviously money should not be a governing factor when you consider the integrity of your nation but you should know your governments income will fall drastically when we leave.

Without this gold how will you afford MPPs? Your president spoke very well about some very noble goals and desires but he clearly chose to ignore the specifics. Without gold you can not afford MPPs. Without MPPs you can not keep Karnataka for yourselves. Phoenix has repeatedly shown the respect it has for 'neutral' nations, attacking and occupying eSouth Africa and eAustralia and forcing them onto the side of EDEN and the Brolliance. Why do you think they will respect your neutrality when they have never done this before? I need hardly remind you Serbia, Iran and Indonesia wait on or near your borders for when your defences are at their weakest. I hope your plans for dealing with this do not involve new friends who have a history of not having your best interests at heart.

An American business meeting

A Serbian business meeting

Do not get me wrong, I look forward to the day India has the economic and military power to become truly independent and on that day I will be the first to say the eUS should give Karnataka back to India. However, I do not believe that that day is today. If you ask us to leave, of course we will, but then I fear for you. You will be left with countries who see you as nothing more then prey on all sides and who do not respect neutrality. My fear is that your only options then will be collaboration with these countries and I'm sure you already know all about Iranian and Indonesian friendship.

So what will it be India? Will you be neutral or neutral?

A citizen of a very concerned America