On Civil Servitude

Day 850, 12:39 Published in USA USA by Cody Franklin

With the next round of congressional elections just around the corner, there are more than a few hopefuls vying for their spot in our legislative body. Each candidate (ideally) has a different set of ideals, a different political leaning, and a different vision toward which they wish to mold our policy. Of course, legislative policy is a mere means to an end; what, if I may inquire, is that end?

Different candidates are driven (or claim to be driven) by different things, whether that be the "will of the people", the whims of their party, or a tender love of typical American values. These are very nebulous though, it seems; for, heeding the will of "the people" amounts to little more than appealing to majority sentiments, which presumes that the interests of some men necessarily take precedence over the interests of others. A destructive presumption, indeed. Then, we have those who are little more than figureheads - gateways for the entrance of vague party interests to seep into our digital D.C. These people really disgust me by their lack of both integrity... and a spine. Finally, we have the people who like to say that they're all for the USA, and will do anything to defend so-called American values. My question is, what exactly are American values? Surely, not everyone can hold the exact same set of ideals; that's why we have different, competing candidates; or, so I had thought. I find this particular brand of politician a bit more repulsive than the last two, by virtue of the fact that they rely on very pleasing rhetoric and dubious dogma rather than a solid, virtuous platform.

I personally do not see politics as a way to serve "the people". It's not so much a civil service to me as it is a way to institute such change as would create a society within which I would be content to live; ergo, I would likely have a rather difficult time getting elected, I'm sure.

Contrary to what you may think, this isn't going to be a long, drawn-out political rant. I've only a very simple message to both incumbents, and would-be challengers: If you're going to be in politics, do it for your own rational reasons, not to satisfy the irrational whims of the world at large.

That is all. 🙂