OMG !!! WTF !!! Switzerland in EDEN ?? OMFG !!!

Day 720, 13:23 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Renouille

AAAAAAAAAAH WTF ? Why is Switzerland in EDEN ??? NOOO !!

Why do you made this choice stupid swiss government ? I hate you !! I realy hate you !!

Yes guys, this is the truth. Switzerland is now part of EDEN =O
Why ? I don't know. I don't think that Eden is a so beautiful garden. No I don't think so but I think that they think that we think that they think that Eden a beautiful garden is. Yes off cours is it !
Because, it's writing in the Bible ! Yes, and all what in the Great Bible is, is true ! And I know about what I'm talking because...... What ? You don't know ? Dude ! I'm God ! Yes I'm the great and the good God ! Hell yeah, I'm your God ! Isn't it fantastic !? And your first mission is to kill the infidels ! And than, donate me 5G 🙂

So, after this big revelation, we come back to the main subject !

Yes true ! Hungary and Indonasia and France and Japan and UK and Germany and Italy and ALL THE WORLD WILL KILL US !! Oh no, not the Eden countrys, right...

But don't panic ! Because... The Superschwiizer is here ! And do you know what ? He is hungry... and angry 😃

Yes, I have train him to attack all invaders ! And he is very aggressive ! Look :


He is now 4m02 heigh and weight 289kg. Yes hehe, it's now realy the Superschwiizer 😃

And with this fantastic creature, I will invade Hungary ! And than Indonesia, Russia, France, Germany and all other PEACE countrys ! And than, I will invade our allys ! Mouahahahaha

All the world will be under my hand ! I will be definitly your God with my Superschwiizer to make order !

So end of the transmission.
Oh no, last thing : PEACE, EDEN, SOL, Brolliance... Kiss my ass and make noise for the Superschwiizer \o/