Old Jokes

Day 478, 07:50 Published in Spain Indonesia by Phortoz

Content: Old Stories

1) War between Peace v Atlantis
2) War between e-Hungaria v e-Romania
3) War between e-Indonesia v e-Romania
4) Spam in e-Indonesia Media


Evighet, Dsalageanu, Uncle Sam and the Priest are flying on an airplane when the engines fail. The pilot cries desperately to the passengers...

Pilot: "We have to abandon the plane, we are going to crash, but we only have 4 parachutes for the 5 of us! One of us will not be able to jump"

Evighet jumps up and takes a parachute..

Evighet : "I must save myself, I am the e-Spain president... adiós!".
And he jumps out...

Uncle Sam : "I gotta go, fellaz, 'cause I'm the president of the e-United States... Bye!"
He takes the second parachute and jumps...

Dsalageanu, the Priest and the pilot remain with only 2 more parachutes.
Dsaleganu takes another parachute...

Dsalageanu : "I am the "Brain of the e-World", the most intelligent genius in the e-World, I must jump out! You go to hell! La revedere!"

The Priest and the pilot are left.

The Priest : "My son, you take the last the parachute, I give myself to the hands of e- God. Good luck son!"

The pilot : "No, father, don't worry! We can both jump out, we have 2 parachutes! The "World's Brain" jumped out with my lunch box!"


An e-Romanian immigrant returns to e-Romania to visit his family left behind and as he walks out of the airport he thinks: "So many years, I cannot believe that I am back to e-Romania".

He puts his luggage down and starts dreaming with open eyes: "So many years and I still cannot believe that I am back home in e-Romania".
Then, as he looks down to take his bags, he cannot find his luggage anywhere...
Then, he shouts: "Crap!!! Now I believe it, I'm back in e- Romania!"


Phortoz : What's your problem?

Sebahmah : I think I'm a chicken.

Phortoz : How long has this been going on?

Sebahmah : Ever since I was an egg!


Reply for this article

Xinjiang Desert 12/03/09

Social Science: Terbit Pagi, dijual Sore. tidak laku, jual lagi malam hari.