Old eRepublik History: eRepublik 10 Laws

Day 1,738, 15:19 Published in Norway Norway by Per Jostein

These laws are from Beta version. Let's check if they still apply:

eRepublik Laws

All Citizens should respect the 10 eRepublik Laws:

1 - All citizens are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
2 - No citizen should oppress another citizen.
3 - Each citizen represents the will of a single real user.
4 - Every citizen that enriched through an illegal or unjust method must return the property this way obtained.
5 - Every citizen has the right to work and to receive a payment in exchange for his work.
6 - All the National political systems are based on Democracy and on the Universal Suffrage vote system.
7 - No racism, extremism, pornography, vulgarity or spam is allowed.
8 - Freedom of press is absolute (without breaking the 7th rule).
9 - Every citizen has the right to choose if he will participate in a fight or not.
10 - The economic system is based on the market economy and all the citizens have to act according to the demand and supply rules.

Source: eRepublik Beta rules
