Oinyo for CP! Vid #3

Day 2,018, 20:08 Published in Canada Canada by Oinyo

** First vid for those that missed it ** = http://tinyurl.com/phocu5f
** Second video for those that missed it ** = http://goo.gl/DfnRb
** Third vid (The new one) ** = http://goo.gl/eLYN0

So in this third vid you get to see my fat belly as I teach you how to make my favorite summer drink while getting some good points across as well.

If anyone has time to watch the entire vid I have some silliness near the end with my kitten and puppy as well as a guest star (My co-worker) giving a final word to you all.

What I have to offer eCan is a unseen amount of drive and determination to bring ecan back to its former glory. I will put countless hours in and prove not only to myself that we can be greater.. But prove to every single one of you as well.

We are attempting to make a baby boom happen right now. My team is currently posting flyers around the country at local post secondary schools and we will be finding additional ways to get people from our country into this game.

eCan has infinite potential and with your support I will show you with actions the eCan I know we can be. Never settle for being a small fry. We have the power to grow and become amazing and it is the time to step forward and make these changes.

The only failure we will have is not trying.

Thank you all for reading this
My name is Oinyo and I am running for CP of eCan

Please enjoy the video and yes I will be thin again soon. I always get chunky between boxing seasons :/