Oil Resource For eROC

Day 1,157, 13:47 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by BlackPhanter4Dest

Good day...

I will present opinions about the possibility of Taiwan have the Oil Region.
Our Big Brother eChina has 2 Oil Region i.e. Guangdong and Shandong.

Day 1157
Guangdong Region

Population: 493 Citizen and Contruction: 3 Hospital


Shandong Region

Population: 48 Citizen and Contruction: NO


Why Oil Region...??? Because oil is useful for ;

1. Resource Bonus Productivity (25😵

2. Booster Bonus for Weapon Company (5😵
3. Raw for Moving Ticket Company

And it is offer market Moving Ticket,

So, if eROC have opportunity to use of Shandong Region, it should be discuss with our Brother eChina. C's if we strong we can support our ally.

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p.s. And... what is the importance of "moving ticket" in addition to the move?
The next edition I will present "The Mission" which must to use the "moving ticket"