Oh Dublin, you so sexy!

Day 1,187, 12:31 Published in Canada Canada by M. Loiselle

Howdy folks!

So I heard that Ireland was now our Natural Enemy! And at the very moment I am writing this line, I can see the fight in Northwest of Ireland just started. To that I say: HELL YEAH! I just move to Dublin, question to help our new “best enemies” in this training war.

My planning for the day:

1. Fight like a crazy fool till it goes “click”

There is things in life you can’t get enough. One of this things is bullets...

2. Get wasted in a local pub with my good friend Fram.

My tie is the red one on the left

3. Meet some of the town ladies.

Oh yes I do! Wanna meet da Ragin’ Cajun?

4. Get in a bar brawl with some gentlemen

I’m so French, I bring the Notre Dame in Notre Dame fighting Irish

5. Crash out somewhere and hope to pass the night.

Why does this urinal smells like TemujinBC?
