OG Literary Award: Contest started!

Day 436, 06:58 Published in Canada Romania by BogdanFV

[Editor's Note:
Due to the faulty servers, it is recommended to write the entries in notepad or Microsoft word, or anything of that sort to prevent loss of data.

Thank you and good luck]

will start..

OG Literary Award!
Start Submitting Entries Date:
07:00 Jan 29, Day 436 eRepublik Time
06:59 Feb 05, Day 443 eRepublik Time

PM entries to OG Literary Award account, not Banach!!



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OG Literary Award
I tried this months ago and it was quite fun to host.

Thing is, I want to try this again and make it a little better.

For those who where around or remember what my contest was like, it involved ten days to send in entries, then they were judged solely by me on several factors and I had some friends generously sponsor prizes in GOLD (before donations were available).

One of the proud owners of an OG Literary Award is Dishmcds for a fantastic article about his position of the War of Nave's Toe 😃

This is Updated Daily!
What do I have so far?

1st Place-10 GOL😨
2nd Place-5 GOL😨 Big Brother
2nd Place-erepublik.ws/tools: Big Brother
3rd Place-2 GOL😨
3rd Place-2 Q4 Weapons:
Best use of resources-1 GOL😨
Best use of resources-2 Q4 Foo😛 Kartal Coorporation
Best grammar,spelling,etc.-1 GOL😨
Best grammar,spelling,etc.-Free (3 issues)Adv: Banach

a)If...20+ people enter:
-3rd Place will be 4 GOLD and 2 Q4 Weapons
-Resources will be 2 GOLD and 2 Q4 Food
-Grammar will be 2 GOLD and three issues of free advertising

b)If...Cristi Badea enters:
-2nd Place Prize will be 10 GOLD and free product tools access!

c)If...admins showcase contest on eRep Insider AND a) and b) are met:
-Main prize becomes 20 GOLD for best writer in eRepublik

There will be seven judges.

I will judge both themes. I will also know the names of the contestants. I believe, however, that I am unbiased and fair to make a just decision.

There will be two judges helping me out in each category. Two for military category, two for politics category. These judges will NOT know the names of the submitters, I blank them out to keep anonymous and fair judging.

There will be a judge for best use of resources (pictures, links, quotes, etc.) USE RESOURCES 😛

There will be a judge for best grammar, spelling, punctuation! Make sure to PROOFREAD and EDIT!

a) Tanks, Planes, Ships and Nukes-A Fantasy War Module [Military Genre]

b) Political Systems-Stepping Away From Only Parliamentary Democracy [Politics Genre]

The closer you stick to the theme, the better your chances of a good evaluation!!

Updated Rules Based On Public Opinion
1. Seven Days (One week) From Starting Time to Hand in article
2. There will be a theme that every article must relate to
3. The article can be first person/third person
4. Must be readable English, spelling and grammar are okay mistakes to make
5. The prizes will be GOLD and other cool things 😉
6. The Judges will be Banach and two people I pick
7. No breaking eRepublik rules in what you write!

That is it!