Official Statement and Congress Elections

Day 825, 16:54 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

Hello, faithful readers! Today's article brings you the situation in eSwitzerland, regarding the war in Graubunden, the Congress Elections, and not to mention the upcoming Presidential Nominees.

Resistance War in Graubunden
In case any of you missed it, the Shaolins have scheduled a resistance war in Graubunden. Despite the failure of the last RW, I have a feeling this one will be more successful (Shaolin government doing behind-the door deals with Italy and the Russian Army).

There is one flaw in the plan, though. The Shaolins have nicely scheduled the RW on the 23rd and 24th, the same days congressional candidates must register and only one day before the congressional elections themselves. As a member of the Swiss Resistance, and a believer in the Free eSwitzerland, I encourage you to fight in Graubunden. However, make sure you have enough tickets for the return flight... we don't want you stranded in Italy! If you have any problems, you can always contact me for help.

Presidential Nominees

On the 20th and 21st the Swiss Primaries were held. After about 25 votes give or take, I was the winner, beating JNArno by a few votes. Despite that victory, I have officially decided to run as his Vice President instead of President myself.

There are several reasons for this. Firstly, I am pretty busy IRL, and as you know eSwitzerland is in a very tough period of time. We need a president who has time to sacrifice for the country, and though I am devoted to this country I do not feel I can put forth as much effort as it requires due to my busy timetable.

Also, JNArno has plenty of political experience and if I run as VP I am in the perfect position to further the programs I am working on. I am trying to improve the Swiss Mentor Program and bring awareness to the media, so as VP I can focus on those tasks more.

That is my final statement. Remember, JNArno and Penguin4512. Now that's the ticket!

Congressional Elections:

The elections for Swiss Congress are coming up on the 25th. Remember to vote! On the 23rd or 24th I will post an article outlining the candidates who are running, and their positions on stuff such as alliances, taxes, and TW's. Make sure to check it to see who you feel should represent you!

I am going to run in Congress as Vice-President. I am running from the United Party of Switzerland, and I wish to represent younger players, enhance community service projects, and try to spread awareness.

That's all! Good luck to everyone, and have a great eLife!