Official Stance of Paraguay about the declarations of Bolivia (UKR)

Day 889, 15:22 Published in Ukraine Paraguay by Cirpadel

Four days ago, the Paraguayan people took notice of this:

Then, this is time to invite to wind down and reflecting

Wind down, because truly this blow that Bolivia dealed to us was something we didn't expected.
Wind down, because we can't allow themselves to fall in the Bolivian accusations.
Wind down, because even less we can allow themselves to fall in trolling. Let's remember the education that was gave to us from our referrers and we give to our refered ones. We are Paraguayans. Our educations is naturally between the most highest in the world and we can't renounce to that despite this... deed.

Let's reflect on this then, because the main objective of this article is to give peace y get things straight to the paraguayan people and its allies.
The Bolivian Minister of Foreign Relations accuses us of traitors (Comments number 20 and 40 of the first article). We can also see how a Bolivian leader like Ernesto_Guevara joins to these class of accusations (Comment number 46 of the first article). And all this is going to reflect on the comments of citizens like Molletenc de peralada and Kojie (Comments 51 and 53 of the mentioned article), reaching to the point of even put in doubt the good name of Entente, our Alliance.

"Fortunately", the Paraguayan people is free of this heavy accusation, in the sayings of Ernesto_Guevara (Comment numer 71 of th mentioned article). He only accusses to the government. In other words, the group that the Paraguayan people voted to represent them, but let's leave this little detail aside.

Everyone who knows me know, and it is the spirit that I always tried to transmit to all my fellow Paraguayan citizens, that the highest virtue that Paraguay must have is Loyalty.
As we didn't agree in some movement of PEACE (, we wouldn't agree now in an attack when not only France needs to recover its original regions, but Mexico is also in danger, both Entente allies. Which means, first of all, it is the safety of our allies. Then and only then the possibility of a conquest is meditated. But before conquering, we must be free.
But the Loyalty that characterizes us not only is shown in the common sense in the management inside of an Alliance. It also is bases in the memory and the gratitude, as it is shown in the article that catapulted us in the scenary of the world conflicts

We were in the battlefield giving everything we could give enough number of times for our International Positioning Strategy, strategy that we followed since the very creation of our country, to flourish and give fruits. Today Paraguay is renown and positioned not as a country with enough population to turn a battle around, nor as with enough individual power to give a vital support in war, but as a country in which friends and allies can always count. And Kurupi is our witness that the nations of the world know to value Loyalty, as the bilateral relations that Paraguay has not only inside Entente but outside it can talk about. Countries like Argentina, Brazil and Indonesia acknowledge Paraguay as a friend country in which they can count with.

And that is why it hurts us so much when they treat us as traitors. Because all our international image unavoidably is based in our loyalty and every attack you that loyalty weakens us more than any comparative approach of population and military might.

They aske in the article published by the Bolivian president about what were the actions taken by Paraguay in Entente to prevent the ucranian TO.
I can tell to Paraguayans that Paraguay didn't do a thing in Entente. Because if the Take Over is of Ucranian players, we Paraguayans don't lose time and go directly to the Ucranian Government about it, government that was very receptive to our preocupations and that was talking to not creating us diplomatic problems because of some freelancers TOs. Even more, I was seeing the possibility of sending yesterday help if the parties were filled with people of trust and wasn't any danger as fortunately happened.

Then, everyone who used google translator to see the ucranian forum should be asking themselves: Does this mean that Ukranians lied?
We never proposed to invade Bolivia. There are many reasons, but it is enough to count the logic one, this is, the ones that every sentient being has in mind in this regard.

1) Month after month we are fighting against anyone that comes to TakeOver the country. An ammount of responsability is ours; generally speaking, our call is war and we see the seat in the congress as a stone that keeps us far from it. It costs us a ball and a half to fill the candidates for the five political parties so no stranger can get in. Another region, even voluntarily given as a gift as Ernesto_Guevara said in the comment number 55 gives us serious problems.
2) In Bolivia, the majority of the population is either Spanish or Romanian. Add that to the fact that they got an MPP with Poland twice, we can face Spanish, Romanians and Polish MPPs. We have enough fronts to add another one, thank you.
3) Not only we would face Spanish, Romanians and Polish MPPs, but also the conquered regions before their activation would be subject of immediate RW financed by SOL and EDEN, battles that we would unavoidable lose. Yes, our allies would be there to support is in case that EVERYONE WOULD BE FREE AND SECURED, but we can't ask our allies to stay for a living to repel any RW that we could never win on our own.
4) With the due respect that an Ally as Ukraine deserves, since a long time ago we have the friendship of Brazil and Argentina, countries that have unfinished business with Bolivia. If we want to invade Bolivia, we wouldn't wait for Ucrania, we would simply ask the support to these countries. And we could have done it a long time ago.

Also, doing a little research, one can find in the Ukranian forum the master plans to conquer Moldova and Slovakia. And one can also see the present conflicts between Moldova and Slovakia VS Ukraine: None.
I am allowed by the Ukranian Government to publicly say that sensible information to the Ukranian security and any serious military plan is discussed not in the forum, but in the Skype chat.

Was the thread in the forum a tasteless joke, a lie, or a Videomatch's joke then? I can still remember when, not having passed 3 months since the creation of Paraguay, someone that still elives not proposed not only conquering Bolivia but Argentina and Brasil too. And we all joined in the plans to reach Patagonia and North of Brazil. It wasn't a tasteless joke or a lie. It was a FAIL carried to the extreme of absurd to laugh to ourselves.

In a nutshell:
In these last days our country faced circumstances that we would never imagine that we would ever face, going from the situation lived by a fellow Paraguayan that at the verge of finishing a transaction in a market channel on IRC, the client warns him not to fuck with him; to the Government official that is asked if it is true that we would left Mexico and France alone in favor of invading Bolivia.

Our international capital was attacked in its very foundation.

Our friend and allies, in their great majority, don't doubt of our loyalty when a week ago NOONE doubted about it.

From now on, the Government of Paraguay commits itself to its people to reinforce all our efforts to get back again what with so much effort and sacrifice we had got after months and months and preparations and monitoring of our international strategy: Position ourselves as a completely loyal country to its friends and allies that will never be abandoned by a paraguayan.

On a personal basis, the doves like me apologizes and give the reason to the hawks when they said that we couldn't trust Bolivia, home of renowned EDEN supporters

Paraguay is united to its allies and friends by bonds of common objectives and friendship.
Since three days ago, Paraguay no longer recognizes both in Bolivia.
Yesterday we finished all the conversations with the Ukranian Government about the Take Over in Bolivia with the desired results.
And that is why we are now free of any debt of gratitude or of other nature we ever had with Bolivia.

Bolivia and Paraguay are not friends, allies and much less brothers.

With the help of Kurupi, Paraguay will recover of this blow. But it will never be forgotten. Bolivia knows what it is doing. We know very well what we have done, what we are doing and what we will have to do from now on.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Paraguay