Day 595, 08:18 Published in India India by shail.back

Dear Citizens of eIndia,

It is my duty to inform you that eIndia is currently under a threat of a military and/or political attack by eIran.

As a result I hereby declare a state of Emergency in eIndia.

eIndia has never acted or intended to threaten the sovereignty of eIran and we have always been people who work hard and bring prosperity to our nation, yet such accusations continue and we can not accept this.

We cannot influence eIran in thinking better or eIndia and its citizens but we can sure guard our country.

I promise you that the eIndian Government will exploit every resource to protect and guard the freedom of our great country as we are rich of monetary resources, we are rich of military strength, we are rich of foreign support and we are sure rich of rock solid determination.

We shall not be intimidated.

If attacked, we will defend and I ask all citizens to gear up, and follow a strict discipline, as eIndia’s independence needs you on full alert.

Our leaders will give you instructions and you have to follow them precisely remember take pride in everything that is going on right now.

Again, this stance is to protect eIndia, not to attack Iran as we are people of honor and respect, and we shall respect our adversaries, but we respect ourselves more.

Jai Hind.

The President of eIndia.