Day 2,071, 12:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by FightAndProduce

Lol, you actually looked!

Here's some fake logs for you.

[20:05] == FightAndProduce[NK][CP] [qwebirc@I.Fight.And.Produce.Damnrite] has joined #two.public
[20:05] hello
[20:06] i am the CP of UK
[20:06] \o/
[20:06] hey, FightAndProduce[NK][CP], where's the meeting?
[20:06] == TheC[a]liph has changed nick to TheCaliph
[20:06] I don't know
[20:06] no, Britastic[UK][CP], I am the CP of the UK >_>
[20:06] no sic i am
[20:06] you're an imposter
[20:06] 😮
[20:06] I want to talk about the AS of all countries
[20:06] : [20:06] no, I am
[20:06] as I am North Korea
[20:06] yes, let's do it
[20:06] the UK wants to AS everyone
[20:06] == Britastic[UK][CP] has changed nick to Britatic[GER][CP]
[20:06] see! imposter!
[20:06] AS HIM
[20:06] i am the only CP
[20:06] lol jk i am germany cp
[20:07] AS the imposter
[20:07] hehuehue
[20:07] * sic[UK][CP] AS's Britatic[GER][CP]
[20:07] hail GERMANY \o/
[20:07] oh yeah
[20:07] 😨
[20:07] just checked
[20:07] ;n;
[20:07] North Korean pride
[20:07] Britatic[GER][CP] is the CP of germany
[20:07] in ASing Germany
[20:07] nooo
[20:07] wait wtf what is germany doing in a TWO meeting?
[20:07] dunno lol
[20:08] I'm here because I got lost looking for the buffet
[20:08] we have a buffet?
[20:08] Yeah
[20:08] i will AS the buffet
[20:08] fuck the buffet
[20:08] course TWO does
[20:08] they have those fancy small sandwiches
[20:08] that's why everyone joins TWO
[20:08] == Britatic[GER][CP] has changed nick to Britastic
[20:08] i fukken love cucumber sandwiches
[20:09] And that's why the eUK joined TWO
[20:09] i ran the CP campaign under "VOTE FOR ME FOR CUCUMBER SANDWICHES"
[20:09] == Britastic has changed nick to Britastic[GER][CP]
[20:09] and they all voted for me
[20:09] Mine slogan was Vote or Die
[20:09] that's how i became UKCP
[20:09] seemed to work rather well
[20:09] I had propoganda posters :3
[20:09] riight
[20:09] i should try that next time
[20:09] Normally at this point I AS Poland
[20:10] so brb, ASing Poland
[20:10] nooooooo
[20:10] i would AS NK ... if you had any regions
[20:10] ahuea
[20:10] Time to AS Serbia, Or as I shall now call it, North North Korea >😃
[20:11] i think you mean West North Up Down Korea
[20:11] What way is North again?
[20:11] hey, FightAndProduce[NK][CP], does NK want to buy sekrit british AS?
[20:11] imma AS UK
[20:11] hail CoT \o/
[20:11] fail TWO
[20:12] our AS launch password is "password123"
[20:12] Nah, eUK AS is Crap AS
[20:12] we aren't very imaginative
[20:12] But it's easier to remember
[20:12] :3
[20:13] yeah