Official Kitchen Cabinet

Day 1,787, 03:51 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Firebourne
President: Firebourne
Vice Presidents: Atsalenios/Marcotje

Minister of Defense: FarhanIzzuddinIV
Minister of Finance 1: Aimanbl
Minister of Finance 2:AzrulSyafiq2
Minister of Education & Information: Amli Nujhan
Minister of Welfare: Monkeyboom Yau
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Firebourne

Panel of Advisors:
1) TeMing (Military)
2) Marcotje (Finance)
3) Atsalenios (Foreign Affairs)
4) Amli Nujhan (Information)
5) MiVEX (Previous Regime Songlap Master)
6) Ambasador to eIndonesia (Be warned. His avatar may be innocent looking, but he is not to be take lightly)

Minister of Tupperwares;
- Buntak Dayung Bluesavvy

Minister of Mahoness;
- Wingman Hamallee

Habis cerita.

Now, get back to work, before I smack you with a fried chick drumstick at the back of your head. 😃

Taiko Besar of eMalaysia