Off To A New Stage in my e-Life

Day 1,050, 00:38 Published in Canada New Zealand by SledDog

After being defeated in his run for Congress in 1834, Davy Crockett is reputed to have said to his constituents: “Go to hell, I’m going to Texas.” I’m not telling anyone to go to hell (well except for Rolo, a President/Prime Minister who makes Brian Mulroney look like a paragon of virtue and honesty), and I’m certainly not going to Texas. I am however relocating. In the next couple of days I’m going to New Zealand. And I’m going to do what I told you before our last Congressional elections that I wasn’t going to do for a couple of months. I’m going to run for election to the New Zealand Congress, House of Representatives, or whatever we finally end up calling it.

I’m doing this for the same reason that Davy Crockett went to Texas – I want to be in at the start of a new country. See in all of the stories about Davy Crockett going to the Alamo, what they don’t really mention why he went to the Alamo. The reason is that he was going to run for Congress in the new Republic of Texas and the easiest way was to be elected as a soldier’s representative. The Alamo garrison was a good place to be to run for election.

Davy Crockett wanted to be in at the start of the new Republic of Texas, wanted to participate in shaping what it was going to become, and wanted to defend it against a takeover by an enemy. I’m going to New Zealand during the current period of open citizenship for most of the same reasons. I want to help defend a new country from potential takeover by an enemy and I want to participate in shaping what that country will become.

The most fun that I had in my political career was during my first two terms when Congress acted as a united body trying hard to reclaim the country, make it a better place overall and try to get at least some of my ideas put into operation. This is a real chance to do something like that, with the added bonus that I’ll actually know what I’m doing this time, and I intend to Carpe that particular Diem.

Perhaps I’ll return to eCanada eventually but for right now this is right for me. Now excuse me, I’m late for my Haka lesson.