Of course you know this means war!

Day 1,200, 00:04 Published in USA USA by George Armstrong Custer

As iNCi leader gs10 continues to edit his self-destructive inflammatory article, by now it may read like an invitation to ice cream and cake.
Edit, March 4 afternoon:The "Ultimatum" article has been deleted by admin for vulgar remarks

Some troll known to forum freaks but unknown to those who don't play in that cesspool made an offhand remark in some obscure thread, which would have gone un-noticed had gs10 not thrown a hissy fit and brought it to the top of US media attention.

So now America-- all of us, everyone-- must apologize for this guy's comment, he must be banned from that forum, and if I understood the original ultimatum the US has to kick him out of the country. And we have to MPP with Turkey, immediately.

Okay, America... don't crowd, don't shove, form an orderly line and post your most heartfelt apologies in the Comments below.

George Armstrong Custer and Atatürk