Of Allies and Enemies: Where We Stand, and Where We Need to Be

Day 495, 12:11 Published in USA USA by Nathan Woods

I am running my campaign on total honesty, which, whether you like it or not, must be brutal to be true. IJLIV and I believe that sugar coating the truth even a little, will not help us... as a team... as an administration... as a nation.

We, the eUnited States of America still believe that we are the biggest, best and strongest nation out there. Yes, it is true, we are ranked number 1 by population but the sad and stark truth is that the rest... is simply untrue. It is a lie. You've been sold. The eUSA is not the strongest and given our last Congress and the clear and certain division in the nation, we are not the best. Even if you do not believe this, all you have to do is look at our recent history and our nation's statistics. Our nation's average strength is currently 2.99. Now let us look at Romania and Indonesia. France and Spain. Portugal and the UK.

Romania: 3.81
Indonesia: 3.49
France: 3.52
Spain: 4.35
Portugal: 3.72
UK: 2.61
Switzerland 6.57
Brazil 3.68
Italy 3.52
Hungary 3.49

Shall I reorder that to make it clear for you?

Switzerland 6.57
Spain: 4.35
Romania: 3.81
Portugal: 3.72
Brazil 3.68
Italy 3.52
France: 3.52
Hungary 3.49
Indonesia: 3.49
USA: 2.99
UK: 2.61

Well lookie that, we're not number 1. We're... number 10. Are you convinced now? No? How about our past few battles, have we won those? No. We won the ones against Mexico alone because they weren't actually fighting. Then we lost all the rest because Portugal came along.

Well let us stop the bombardment of your mind and go on the premise that we are not #1 in anything except population. Let's ask a pressing question...

Do we stay in Atlantis?

Do you want the shortest, sweetest answer there is? Do you? The answer, (cue John McCain voice) my friends (end McCain voice), is YES.

On that list I just presented to you, look who the top 3 nations are in average strength... Spain and Romania and Switzerland. Now naturally mathematics comes into this like everything else. Spain is a much smaller country than the USA or Romania, which allows their average to be higher, but still they are very strong when you look at averages alone. Romania is closer to our population, so you could argue it's a more valid comparison. And yet look at that, they're stronger than we are on average. Same with Indonesia.

The simple fact is we cannot survive on our own. How many of you actually know what PEACE is? It was actually a counter-alliance. We formed Atlantis and in response they formed PEACE. I have heard plenty of cries for a Third Alliance but how much merit is there to it? We are a loyal member of Atlantis as is every other member nation. Why would we break such a brotherhood? We could, but we should not.

Believe it or not, almost every candidate running this month has been calling for reform on the treaty of Atlantis. Do you want to hear who the first two to champion this issue were? Inwegen, at the time Secretary of State, and Ian John Locke IV, at the time Congressman. The two, immediately after the issue of the fine came up, brain stormed over how to fix the Article in Atlantis that has caused so much trouble in the alliance. Inwegen published the article and it got boosted to the top 5. Did anyone actually do anything about it? No. Could Inwegen have done something single-handedly? No. Whose fault is it? It is a collective fault. The majority voted for Sam. It's partly their fault. Sam was super busy. It's partly his fault. His cabinet didn't annoy the life out of him, it's partly their fault. Ian John Locke IV didn't rally congress, it's partly his fault. Unfortunately we cannot point a finger and blame one person....

Let's assume I've won you over... now how can Atlantis win?

There are so many ways that Atlantis can win. For one the military leaders of all the countries should collaborate with each other for joint attacks on PEACE territories as well as collection and stockpiling of weapons, gifts, food and moving tickets. When we started the war with France, we had some excellent cooperation and planning with the UK and Spain. We need to bring that back.

Within Atlantis, the member nations need to become better allies and friends. Why? Closer ties lead to better communications. And nothing in the Treaty of Atlantis says that the CP can exclusively inform Atlantis of war. Just make sure anybody informs them, then we could avoid any further breaches of the treaty.

As both a nation and an alliance, we have remained noble and fierce in our attitude towards PEACE. Our nobility is shown by the fact that we do not use underhanded or subversive strategies in war. Continuing in this tradition, there are Alternative Tactics that must be explored. Conventional warfare is clearly only one facet of a military strategy needed to defeat PEACE. So as to keep our nation's security at its best, we will not detail these tactics in this article, but rest assured that despite whether or not I win this election, they will be explored.

I understand and recognize the vast minority of American citizens who call for peace and wish to end these wars with PEACE. I for one have always followed Theodore Roosevelt's famous quote "Speak softly and carry a big stick." (Of course TR didn't invent this quote he got it from a tribal leader on one of his expeditions, but he did make it famous.). Naturally I will explore diplomacy as thoroughly as I will these alternative tactics. But both need to be readied in case the other fails. As we've seen from Uncle Sam's negotiations with PEACE, they are not a people to follow cease fires or any other agreement.

Ok I like your ideas... now how do we get the rest of the world on our side?

We as a nation have more people than any other nation in the world. We need to become, simply and honestly, a Public Relations giant. It is one thing to spread our ideology through war, conquest and imperialism. It is another to do it in a less... costly... manner. Imagine if we could have articles go global with over 10,000 votes on them organized as nation... I am not saying we all have to become a collective because as I said in my last article. I will mold my administration around the opinions and ideas of you, however, there will be times when we need to have and show a united front, despite our varying opinions. Remember the cliche "United we stand. Divided we fall."

One more thing we can do, to strengthen our alliance, in case you were wondering, is give new nations trial memberships in the alliance. Let us see how well they can function as a member and give them the chance to decide whether or not they like the company. I feel that we will gain more allies this way and improve our foreign relations. Besides that, there is strength in numbers and the more numbers we have on our side, the less PEACE can obtain.

Nathan Woods
Ian John Locke IV
April 5 2009

Articles to Read and Vote up
Entering the Race
[url=http://www.erepublik.com /en/article/-nathan-woods-country-presid ent--765226/1/20]Ian's Intro[/url]
Congress, the Presidency and the American Public