Oexis - MDU and F-TP Presidential Candidate

Day 468, 10:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Oexis

Hello citizens of the eUK,

I would like to take this opportunity to announce my candidacy for President of the eUnited Kingdom. I am running as the Movement for Democratic Unity and Free-Thinking Party Candidate, with congresswoman Anaxima as my running mate.

For the past few months I have been proud to serve this nation as a politician, and I am still filled with fresh ambition and ideas for the eUK. I want to move away from the mindset that only members who have lived here for many months are suitable candidates for President and show the world that even the young can run a strong campaign, hoping to draw on the experience I have gained in the eUK and also on my real life skills to lead this nation effectively and professionally.

In my short time here I have held many positions. For the past two months I have been the leader of the Movement for Democratic Unity, leading a promising and exciting party to their greatest successes yet in my terms. I have served in several government positions, being responsible for a major revitalisation of the British Education System that is currently being developed, and helping out in the Ministry of Work gaining valuable experience in General Management.

As the NHS Director for Wales I have dramatically increased the regional average wellness and productivity, serving the needy of Wales with fast, active gifting for almost three months. Recently I have ventured into the world of the military, rising to the rank of Corporal on my second day. I hope that even just running for President will help me gain valuable experience for the future.

In turn, my Vice Presidential candidate, Anaxima, will be one of the few, if not first, female Vice Presidential candidates. She is an experienced member of the Free-Thinking Party, elected congresswoman for Northern Ireland and an intelligent, idealistic young woman with big ideas. If she becomes your Vice President, she will assist me in all aspects of my position and will fulfil her duties to the best of her abilities. She is a capable and enthusiastic politician with a sensible head and ambitions to work beyond party lines for the good of the nation.

In the coming days I hope to release a manifesto detailing my ideas and ambitions for the eUK. I hope this article will introduce you to my vision for the nation and the foundations I want to lay for the future development of the eUK.

My Dream for the eUK

I wish to see the eUK as a truly powerful nation. We remain an influential world power and a dedicated ATLANTIS member, but I wish to take our standing on the international stage even further without resorting to unsentimental military tactics and exploitation. I visualise an eUK that is not afraid to fight off its enemies and will stand up for the freedom of the oppressed. I visualise an eUK with a happy, healthy workforce; a fresh entrepreneurial feel and the drive to succeed in business. I visualise an eUK where politicians work together without squabbling behind the constraining barriers of ideology and party. This is my dream - the benevolent yet powerful Britain as an economic, military and political superpower.

But I am not so naive to think this is completely possible. There are the main challenges of inactivity and laziness and the time, money and effort required to reach this stage. It is unlikely that my dream will ever materialise, but what I do want to do is allow us to get as close as possible to the ultimate goal. This plan will take months; possibly years to complete, and I wouldn't be a very good Presidential candidate if I promised utopia in a single term. But what I hope to do is lay the foundations. I anticipate that future Presidents will share my dream and will work hard to see it fulfilled. I hope that I will have the support of the future congressmen and parties with my ultimate goal and although I only lay the cornerstone of the skyscraper the dream will come alive one day. Please, join me in my quest for this nation's bright future. Join the workforce of change today!

Vote for The Dream!
Vote Oexis/Anaxima for President in March!

Thank you