Oexis for Congress in Wales

Day 431, 15:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Oexis

I would like to announce my candidacy for congress in Wales. For the last few weeks I have lived in this region, and feel really proud to be an adopted Welshman even when I am not Welsh. I have worked with the citizens here and I feel ready and enthusiastic about representing you in government.

Why am I qualified?

Despite being a new member of eRepublik (I joined in early December) I have come very far in this game and this is something I am proud of. I launched myself into politics at the first opportunity and I really enjoy working with others for a common cause.

I have been your NHS Director for the last few weeks, and this is a job I take very seriously. Unfortunately, due to game bugs, I have not been able to run the clinic as well as it could, but I have devoted my time to trying to gift the neediest citizens of Wales. On the whole, the wellness of the Welsh has dramatically due to the Clinic.

I am also the Party President and former Membership Officer of the Movement for Democratic Unity, and the Ambassador to Spain.

My Goals as your Congressman

As well as being an active and vocal member of Congress, I will work in the best interests of the Welsh people. I will continue to work as your Clinic Director, gifting you when you need it most. I will work with my fellow Congressman, crossing party lines if need be, to co-operate for the benefit of Wales. I will create initiatives to boost activity and forum membership and I am looking to start a Wales quiz team like so many other regions. Wales is no ghost town - I will try to unlock our true potential and revitalise our region.

I am open-minded and always happy to help. If you need me, I will always be here, every day. I will do everything I can to make Wales a great place again. I will re-establish the community feel that brings people together and is vital for the success of Wales.

Why should you vote for me?

If you want a passionate, active, and enthusiastic congressman in Wales for February, vote Oexis.