ODs Election Banter

Day 1,014, 21:07 Published in Ireland USA by Octavius Dryst

Greetings eIreland.

I am writing this to inform you all that I have declared my candidacy for CP in September. The temptation to write an epically long article is really strong for me ha, but I know no one will read that so I will keep things brief and in sections. Enjoy the first installment of OD's Election Banter.

*edit Please if at all interested forward ministry applications to me. Thanks, all applicants will be considered with due respect.

Who I am, both in game and out:

In RL I am a 23 year old college student from the states. Ive lived in the same town pretty much my whole life. I work in food service, and manage by. In 2 years I will be done with school, and with any luck be teaching high school history. I had previously been studying economics, philosophy, and political science. Job opportunities were the main influence in changing my mind.

In game I am just over a year old, I think by a month or so. I have served 11 of my 13 months as a member of the Dail, even if that isnt the most popular thing to say right now ha. I have held a myriad of government posts, and I feel I have preformed all of my duties more than adequately. For example I am familiar with Education, New Citizens, Industry, and Information first hand. Coupled with that I have sound knowledge of the other governmental offices.

I have run a food, iron, and grain company successfully from V1 through to V2. I understand the game mechanics of taxation and economic disparities that help make a business competitive in a hyper competitive market. I have also been a solid die hard IUP member. I have led the party many times, and am currently having good success with our revival.

I am honest, relatively friendly, and supportive of my fellow citizens. I have only ever spoken out overtly against individuals who tried our trust, and my personal patience. However I have reconciled the majority of these few conflicts. I have always fought my hardest to protect our hard work, and our collective interest.

Finally I just want to say how passionate I am about this. When I began playing this game the main reason was to become the leader of Ireland. I quickly learned that it would take time and a good deal of effort before I was worthy of the task. My passion did not die however, I have stuck through with this game, been put through the gauntlet more than once, and feel I am certainly ready and capable of leading this nation into a brighter future. This is not something I would be willing to risk ruining, lest the past years effort would have been in vain.

Expect some official policies in the next article, for now I hope you enjoyed getting to know me. Or at least my perception of myself.

Octavius Dryst