Odin, Father of the North

Day 1,555, 14:35 Published in USA Italy by Titan DC

Odin Allfather

“Praise day at even, a wife when dead,

a weapon when tried, a maid when married,

ice when 'tis crossed, and ale when 'tis drunk.” -Odin.

Odin, the Norse god of war, wisdom, battle, poetry, and fury, imparts strength in the hearts of men. Odin is the Lord of all the Norsemen and their gods, taught men writing and magic, and carries the magical spear Gungnir, which never misses its mark.

It is Odin who built the hall for the valorous slain, Valhalla, and it is Odin who greets all noble warriors who have demonstrated their bravery.


Odin, The Allfather

Odin, the Norse god of wisdom, war and magic, is called Allfather for he is indeed Father of the Gods and he played a central role in myths about the creation and destruction of the world.

In the beginning, he killed the primal frost giant Ymir and from his bones formed our universe. He arranged the heavens for the gods, the middle world for humans and dwarfs, and the underworld for the dead. Finally he created the first man and woman from an ash tree and an elm tree

To travel the world without being recognised, he wears a huge wide-brimmed hat which he pulls down over his head against the wind. (If you look quickly at his face you will see he has just one eye).

At times, Odin Allfather will cross the Rainbow Bridge and mingle with men in our world of Midgard.

Odin seeks Wisdom

From the first Odin had a desire for knowledge and wisdom, and he consulted all living things to obtain them. He gained most from his uncle Mimir, who guarded the Well of Knowledge, but he had to sacrifice an eye to drink from the Well.

This is how it happened ...

Odin made reverence to Mimir, the wisest of the world's beings. "I would drink from your well, Mimir," he said.

"There is a price to be paid. All who have come here to drink have shrunk from paying that price. Will you, Eldest of the Gods, pay it?"

"I will not shrink from the price that has to be paid, Mimir," said Odin All-Father.

"Then drink," said Mimir. He filled up a great horn with water from the well and gave it to Odin.

Odin pays a price for Wisdom
He takes the horn in both his hands and drinks and drinks... And as he drank all the future became clear to him.

He saw all the sorrows and troubles that would fall upon Men and Gods. But he saw, too, why the sorrows and troubles had to fall, and he saw how they might be borne.

Then when he had drunk out of the great horn that Mimir had given him, he put his hand to his face and he plucked out his right eye.

Terrible was the pain that Odin All-Father endured. But he made no groan nor moan.

He bowed his head and put his cloak before his face, as Mimir took the eye and let it sink deep, deep into the water of the Well of Wisdom. And there the Eye of Odin stayed, shining up through the water, a sign to all who came to that place of the price that the Father of the Gods had paid for his wisdom.

Now the Allfather has but one eye, which blazes like the sun.

~~~~norse myths~~~~