October 16th, 2010 eUpdate

Day 1,061, 19:27 Published in USA USA by Niso Vespar

Did you get your Party Presidential vote on yesterday? If you did I hope it was to contribute to one of these listed bellow, or at least to another 'official' PP candidate for those not listed as the top 5. Shuuuun on you if you voted for a PTO'er... Shuuuuuun!

1. USWP Laxsnor

2. Feds - Melissa Rose

3. ADTP - HobbiTon

4. UIP - Pheno Sony

5. S.E.E.S. - Rainy Sunday

If by chance you slept through the voting process have no fear, Congressional Candidatures are being placed as we speak all across the eUS. There shall be more voting to partake upon shortly!

Operation Monkey Business is a go, I repeat OMB is underway!

Be sure to get your UNLIMITED and FREE food as well as weapons and take it to the eUS enemy one fight at a time! There should be no reason each and every citizen shouldn't be joining in on the activities, there are no strings attached, only requirements are that you are an eUS citizen! You can be in any party or no party at all, can be any religion, any level, all you have to have is a pulse and know how to fill out a form or link your profile url!!! Who could ask for anything simpler?

| Department of Defense | Department of Education | White House Press |
| eUS Forums | Model Congress | USWP Workers Militia |

Due to the amount political parties I will not be leading you the way, just make sure you choose one that fits your thoughts and life style. Do not feel pressured into a choice, it is your elife live it your way!