Octavian_F's response to his "offensive" article.

Day 651, 15:54 Published in Canada Canada by AugustusV
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For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, take a look at this: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/what-cobra-is-back-an-urgent-warning-message-to-all-citizens--920435/1/20#comments.

EDIT: Oh and I (Octavian_F) just want to inform you all that the character in the other article was FICTIONAL, thats why he/she had no name, the character was a representation (and mockery) of more than one person.

And now I just wanna get a few things cleared up here:

1. If I offended any German people for posting "Sieg Heil", thats a dam shame. Stop being so soft and stop whining. Its really not offensive at all. And we're not in Germany. Live with it. Saying "seig heil" is like saying "say hail!", and unless you refer it to Hitler, I do not see two simple words as being offensive. Maybe they were used in a "bad" way a long time ago, but lets not start hatin' on two words just cause they happened to be abused by Hitler. I was referring to Jacobi when I used those words.

2. If I broke any rules of the CAF (I am currently part of the reserves since I was elected in congress), then please kick me out, I ain't apologizing.

3. Although you have to be 14 I believe to play this game, the admins should have maybe moved up the limit a few years because when at least HALF OF MY READERS had NO CLUE that my article was a MOCKERY of the government and was NOT SERIOUS, then it seems we have a big problem. I thought it would be obvious, but clearly some people are lacking the intellect to realize even basic hints.

4. I am not apologizing for expressing my view. At the most I'll change shit if the admins complain. I simply stood up for those who have been unjustly criticized by our government, and I have no regrets.

5. If you want a full explanation for my views, plz ask me in this article's comments down below. I'm too lazy to write em here, just ask whatever you need to know.

I'll edit this article down below, to add any new stuff or to answer to any questions you may have down below in the comments section.

And to all members of the various Canadian resistance movements, I have a personal message for you:

Dear members of the various resistance groups throughout Canada,

Don't let fools like *cant name person because he's gonna cry n tell on me* bring you down. You ARE NOT terrorists. You are honorable Canadians who have gone out of their way to help liberate Canada. You did not just sit by and passively fight (or not) with bare fists, you have organized a well-funded and well-armed resistance, and have put time and effort into liberating Canada. Maybe one day Canada will recognize you as the true heroes that you are, and maybe a brighter Prime Minister will applaud your honorable efforts instead of demoralizing you.

Don't let them talk you out of it, the current regime is corrupt and incompetent (in more than one way), and by praising your efforts instead of condemning them, to hide their own blunders (and prevent losing support and power), they would have actually encouraged greater involvement in this war, you are a bonus to Canada, not something that is weighing it down, always remember that. They are simply afraid of losing power, and such behavior is in my opinion, very inappropriate for a nation's government, who should pledge to serve the people above any other interest.

You have received many personal attacks from various government supporters (mostly ministers and personal friends of those ministers, or anyone that could lose their post if the current government goes out of favor, etc), who have labeled you as terrorists, traitors, etc, and I think its time you received a little praise for your work; thank you for helping us liberate Canada, thank you for putting in that extra effort, and thank you for persevering in your efforts even though some may have tried to discourage, and demoralize you from completing your noble task. Canada owes you big time, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Thank you, brave citizens of Canada.


Please leave questions and comments (i'm sure there will be many), or praise for the brave Canadians who fight in the resistance movements, down below.

Thanks for reading.