Oboacers' "Presidential Manifesto"

Day 1,443, 11:55 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Oboacer

Hello eKiwis,
It is election time in our little nation and I have the honour of representing the Peace 'n' Prosperity Party (PnPP) in this months Presidential election. So I thought it best to present my Presidential Manifesto so that you eKiwis would know the policies I hope to enact if elected President.

I wanted to start by saying that I'm extremly happy to see that Helen Moon is running to be President!.

She is a dedicated eKiwi, has worked tirelessly to make sure that our nation remains free and is one of the nicest people I have ever meet in this game. I can say with complete satisfaction that I believe she will make a great President if elected.

I wanted to make this point clear that, although I'm running, I have no issues with Helen and I believe she is one of the best candidates we in eNZ could have asked for. So Good luck Helen!

So it is time to offer the policy proposals that I hope to enact if elected President on June. They are modest, as I believe our nation is on the right path and therefore I won't offer much change. So if elected I plan to;

-Increase funding for food and weapons to the "New Zealand Special Forces" and the "New Zealand Defense Forces".
-Continue providing government aid to any eNZ "militias" as well.
-Maintain all existing MPP's and cooperate with our ONE allies
-Retain our 4 original regions

-Investigate proposals for raising the import taxes by 2% on resources
-Have the "Minister of Finance" issue a up to date report on the status of eNZ's current finances

-Seek to increase citizenship participation on IRC chat and eNZ forums
-Create a "free food" program for new citizens
-Appoint a permanent "Minister of Wiki" to help record eNZ's history

-Have weekly meetings with the "Party Presidents" of eNZ's 6 political parties
-Work to coordinate "citizenship passes" with the various parties Congressmen to ensure responsible use of the passes

Well that is my campaign platform, I hope that citizens will take a look and give it a read over. I have tried to offer a "modest vision" for what I can accomplish as President.

So I hope you have enjoyed this and please get out and vote!. I also wanted to wish Helen Moon good luck with the election. If she wins, I think eNZ will only get better and both I and the PnPP will support her 100%

Thank you and long live eNZ!

PnPP Presidential Candidate