Obligatory Introduction

Day 659, 21:09 Published in USA USA by citizenslave

So, I have been playing eRepublik now for about 3 months, and it has sucked up countless hours of my life that I will never, ever get back. I had put off starting a newspaper to avoid being another in-game rag with nothing of value to say, but it has come to my attention that I really need to have a newspaper now. So I've started one.

The most important thing I would like to announce about my newspaper is that it is open to anyone who wants to make use of it. I will gladly publish articles by any author, provided the content meets my completely arbitrary standards.

(Doesn't quite fit the message, but it looks cool.)

Other than that, I am a proud member of the Federalist Party, so much of my paper will inevitably devoted to expounding the wondrous glory that is the Feds. I will also cover current events, ancient history, maybe tell some stories, and do whatever else I feel like. I spent the 2g. You didn't.

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