NZ Price Watch: Nov 9

Day 1,084, 23:07 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by WahooBob

November 9, 2010; Day 1085
First I wanna say to my subscribers that they are reading 35th newspapers of the eNew Zealand with 492 subscribers.

Thank you all for reading, voting and subscribing.

I hope that one day (or night) this newspaper will have more subscribers than kyle321n.

image: dncelyn

Before we begin with the economic report, I would like to begin by reminding everyone about the Ministry of Fun’s “No-Shave November” beard contest. Men, start growing your face out now. Register with the Green River Corporation by sending 10 NZD before the 15th of the month. Submit a photograph of your hairy face, with a computer screen in the background logged in to your eRepublik account, before the committee declares a winner on Saturday, Dec 4. The man with the best beard will receive a cash prize; the more people enter, the higher the prize.

I thought it would be fun to provide some analysis of the Kiwi economy. I plan to release an update each week. I did this a long time ago when I first started in the eUSA and it seems like a pretty easy way to keep my paper from drying up. I decided to exclude the hospitals and defense systems markets because normal people can't buy them anyway. The numbers in parentheses indicate the change from last week. The government is working on lowering the peg (gold price for currency) and so the numbers may be a little unusual this week. Additionally, the Admin cut the amount of wellness given by a house in half, so that price will show a large jump.

Monetary Market
Buy 1 Gol😛 47 NZD (+56😵
Buy 1 NZ😨 0.031 Gold (-11😵

Cheapest Health/Cost – Q1
Cost for 1 Wellness: 0.00573 Gold (+26😵
Cheapest Internationally: New Zealand \o/

Cheapest Health/Cost – Q2 (W 15/D 30)
Cost for 1 Wellness: 0.0057 Gold (+154😵
Cheapest Internationally: United States

Moving Ticket:
Cheapest Zone/Cost – Q2 (W 1/D 4)
Cost per 1 Zone: 0.07889 Gold (-76😵
Cheapest Internationally: New Zealand \o/

Because nobody really knows the formulas for military damage based on weapon quality yet, it would be impossible for me to do a "cost per damage" analysis of the weapons market. Once Admin announces these formulas, or we figure it out for ourselves, I will include it.

Raw Materials
Grain - 0.00124 Gold (+18😵
Cheapest: New Zealand \o/

Oil – 0.00124 Gold (-11😵
Cheapest: Poland

Stone – 0.00155 Gold (+45😵
Cheapest: Czech Republic

Titanium - 0.00124 Gold (-11😵
Cheapest: Mexico

Iron – 0.00186 Gold (+33😵
Cheapest: Mexico

Thanks for reading this week’s edition of NZ Price Watch. You are invited to join myself and Bradley Reala for eRepublik’s most jawsome podcast, The Report Down Under, this and every Wednesday evening at 1830 eRepublik time at and chat with us during and after the show in #coastline on Rizon IRC.