NZ Military Watch: Nov 16

Day 1,092, 18:32 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by WahooBob

November 16, 2010; Day 1092

So I changed my mind, again. Forget doing economy updates. Economics is lame. All you need to know is that food is now about 40% higher following an across-the-board tax hike on that product. Other tax changes are proposed now, but they are likely to fail if the New Zealand congressfolks wake up and smell the fail from the first proposal.

Instead I would like to present something that should be much more interesting to everyone in New Zealand. It is a weekly battle map focusing exclusively on our corner of the South Pacific. As you can see, there is a lot of action in the water so far. The red striped regions indicate areas which are under attack. I have provided bright arrows indicating who is attacking whom.

Also, congrats to everyone who won a Party President election last night. Kyle321n from the Super Sweet Sixteen has named me the Political Director, and I am looking for party members and independent folks who are interesting in running for Congress or serving as blockers. Fill out the following form if you want to run or block: