Nyílt levél Lunatic2093-tól

Day 632, 14:08 Published in Hungary Hungary by montaigne

Tisztelt Olvasóim,

Felkérést kaptam egy szerb barátomtól, Lunatic2093-tól, aki Média Mogul és az Indonéziai Szerb Elit Alakulat vezetője, hogy egy írását jelentessem meg a magyar médiában. Nem kérek sem VOTE-ot, sem SUB-ot, mert nem ez a célom. Kommentket kérek, méghozzá minél többet és most arra kérlek titeket, hogy ne pertamaxxxx-ozzatok!
A téma, ami napok óta foglalkoztatja a szerb közvéleményt, az Central Greece. Ez az ő álmuk, olyan, mint sokunknak volt, amikor behunyt szemmel és remegő ajkakkal suttogtuk, hogy "Podolia". Az "öregek" tudják, hogy ez mit jelent. De nem beszélek tovább...imhol a cikk, cenzurázatlanul.

"Dear Hungarian citizens,

As you probably know there is an action, recently initiated in Serbian media that deals with the issue of Central Greece. People in Serbia have shown great interest in this region, which could be seen from at least 10 articles on this topic in the last 3 days. One of them is my article that is very well adopted, and that is very much and very positively commented.

Why am I writing to you today? I have received dozens of supportive PMs and my initiative is very well accepted, but I haven't received neither one message where official position of our Government about this issue is presented. They probably doubt that we have your support. That's why I want to know your opinion about this.

Montaigne recently published an article where the whole plan is detailed and all costs are calculated. It's about 1000 gold total, without tanking; it's the simple cost of declaring war and attacking regions. The plan is to go through Bulgarian regions, and pay them the cost of all hospitals ruined in the process, and the cost of war declaration upon us (that way it's much cheaper then in reverse way, with Serbia declaring war upon Bulgaria). As we could see in one of the previous Montaigne's articles some Bulgarian players with great influence (Chukcha, Grakulan) seem to be willing to let us pass if we pay.

So, this is my point: CG is going to fall soon, it's the last High Iron region in ex Atlantis countries. There are 2 possible options: it's going to be conquered either by Turkey or Serbia. In both cases, the full support of our alliance is needed. I will tell you what is my opinion about this: Turkey had it's chance and in the last few days they acted rashly, they spoiled some battles and that's it- almost every original Greek region is now liberated. They still have a chance to reclaim CG if all of the PEACE countries support them, both politically and on the battlefield, but I suggest another solution: support Serbia! Unlike Turkey, we have the potential to defend it, and, observing the performance of our soldiers in the last few weeks I think that we rightfully deserve it. What is our advantage over Turkey? As I already said, we can defend it, I think that Turks now see themselves that they cannot do that, we can deal at least twice more damage (also have in mind that majority of our players is still at levels 13 to 16, they will still develop, unlike Turks- they almost reached their max potential); also, there's more than 3000 active Serbians in this game, most of them living outside our country's borders and fighting in every major PEACE battle since the days when Romanians were pushing Indonesians to Karnataka, we are still a member country of PEACE... When we felt that there's enough Serbians in eRep we TOed Croatia successfully, now we feel militarily strong enough to have CG. (normally, with your support).

We need to know if there's any support for our initiative in PEACE? Almost 600 Serbians voted for it, it's one of the most voted articles in Serbian ever. We have always been a loyal ally, look at the damage we made for PEACE in USA, Canada and Spain (beside that, most of our experienced soldiers are not in Serbia!). Write your opinion in comments, and I would like to see what your leading individuals (Falban, Llevi, Shaok, Rlazol, Zoli, Kampec, Lisztes, Feherlo and others have to say on this topic). Thanks for reading, and thank you Montaigne for publishing this.

Best regards,
Lunatic2903 "