Day 805, 10:29 Published in USA USA by Robert Loggia
February 2, 2010

Yesterday, Gaius Julius stepped down from his position as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, or CJCS. As the top military strategist in the nation, this position is arguably one of the highest anyone could possibly have in the country. When the CJCS resigns, that position is inherited by the Vice CJCS, in our case General NXNW, commander of the Army.

But has most of the country even heard of NXNW?

Probably not. And if they do, there's a good chance they don't know about anything he's done. NXNW is, for the most part, only known in military circles. This is a drastic change from the well-known "celebrities" of CJCS past. The CJCS has always had a very visible presence, which contrasts with NXNW's history of being a more quiet person without much attention being directed at him.

What will this entail? I'm seeing that the CJCS will have less importance in the minds of citizens. NXNW is a relative nobody compared to Gaius Julius when he took the position. I personally haven't seen much of NXNW's strategic abilities, even during my time in the Army. But like I said, he's a quiet one, and quiet people sometimes end up doing spectacular and unexpected things—you never know.