NSC Director and other issues

Day 305, 11:06 Published in USA USA by Immunogenic
NSC Director

BuzzyTheCat has had to step down as NSC Director due to RL issues. We thank Buzzy for his time as Director and wish him the best for the future.
I will be announcing the new Director of the NSC soon.

Pay issues

There were military pay issues last week that will be addressed in this weeks pay.

Please be sure to fill in your details if you are part of the military
[a url=http://www.erepublikusa.com/armypay]Army pay[/a]

Pay will be organised by the new NSC Director. I apologise for the delay.


Local elections are today - don't forget to vote! As has been indicated by admin, these will be the last mayor elections.
If you wish the position to be continued there are petitions going around
[a url=http://www.erepublik.com/forum-topic-75452.html]here[/a] and [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/article-652932.html]here[/a]


Matters with regard to Sacramento and ex-mayor Ikenstein's embezzling of funds are still being looked into and we hope to get a positive outcome of this.