Now What?--North-West Under Indo Attack

Day 553, 01:38 Published in South Africa Israel by Con Dingo


Indonesia attacked North-West region at 01:48 eRep time!

First, congratulations are in order to:

Danny Cameron
Hireshmont Vellos
Luc Preator
Peter D. Banko
Rusty Shackleford
Steven Bosch

For they have won Congressional seats this term. I'm confident they will do South Africa proud.

However, I've listed just 12 names. The PTO netted 28 seats. Assuming they stay in line, they have sufficient numbers to badly damage our country.

Four proposals have already been made by the new Congressional majority. The first proposal is to impeach President Gabriel Borien. The second proposal is to lower the new citizen fee from 20 to 5 ZAR. In addition, raising the income tax on diamonds from 10 to 50 percent and increasing the minimum wage from 2.5 to 1,000 ZAR. Steven Bosch introduced a fifth proposal to donate money to the Reserve Bank of South Africa but the measure is currently losing.

From there, the doomsday scenario described by Ryan Dagari involving wizzie_don becoming president and all but one region being surrendered through retreat is likely to begin tomorrow.

The question is, what to do about it. The present method clearly doesn't work. Fewer than 500 people voted in an election that won't ever be equaled in importance. Many of them were from Brazil.

I'll venture a rough guess that 200 South Africans voted yesterday. As I said the other day, we need more committed people. Begging for foreign help during an election is not a long-term strategy. Especially with so many nations in the same predictament, up to their necks in takeover turmoil and calling for any spare votes.

I'll be clear that I've never offered sarcasm in this newspaper. Certainly plenty of sincerity. Some deeply-held opinions. Perhaps too much earnestness. I suppose also a degree of arrogance to think I could affect positive change for South Africa. But never sarcasm.

I don't yet know the new way we must take from here. I'll start thinking about it now. I just know that the old way brought us here and it will not save us.