Now that thats over...

Day 980, 10:34 Published in USA USA by S-Mac31

Well, thanks to the help of all my supporters both through this newspaper and through my friends+voters, I have made congress for July-August. But, as much as I would love to celebrate, there is much work to be done, and as a new congressman, I need to crack down on it and prove myself!

My new home

So, as we all know, one congress term is nothing. You need to be a repeat congressman if you want to go anywhere in congress. But, you also have to take it term by term, instead of planning for another one. What I am planning on doing this term is pretty simple.

This terms plans

I plan to do a lot of listening, and not a whole lot of talking out. But in a debate-scenario, I will be an active member, giving my own thoughts and ideas to the group. I do have firm ground I stand on, but I also need to listen to all the older wiser congressmen. I plan to find a good mix so I can be found both learning, and tolerable, but still contributing to conversations.

Me while being teased by older congressmen 🙂

So, thats a wrap on the basic outline of my plans for congress this month. I'll probably do a little more detailed one later. I really wanted to get this out yesterday, but there was a lot of little sign up sheets and forums to post in that needed my attention.

Until Next Time!