Now comes the era of InfoJoy

Day 896, 15:48 Published in Norway Norway by Teknokratene" border="0">

The term "transparency" trips off the tongues of politicians everywhere, by anyone who seeks to be taken seriously. Indeed, transparency is more than just a deive term bandied about. It is an ideal, a goal, something that is actively strived for. But it's not sexy. That's why Teknokratene now brings you the concept of InfoJoy.

As the word implies, InfoJoy is all about having fun. Giving information should be a hoot, receiving and retrieving information should be a similar euphoric experience of pure happiness. Recent medical research has revealed that processing information, either acting as the originating source or the recipient (better known as the client/server relation), causes the release of endorphins in the brain in a veritable rush of excitement.

Now, sometimes you would be rather reluctant to give out information. It could be that you are afraid that the energy spent in gathering and presenting information will be just too much for you. It could be that you are afraid someone would find faults in the material you present. Or you might just be worried that showing what you do and what you don't will make people understand that you're really not such a master mind after all.

It could be that you avoid seeking information because you are worried it might threaten your current perspective and prove it wrong. Perhaps you are getting tired of being scolded by elitist game veterans shouting "noob" at you. That's the opposite concept. That's InfoFear.

If you want this virtual representation of Norway and the world to be more fun, if you want this to be a place where newcomers can easily access and assimilate the information needed to get going fast, if you want to know what's going on in order to voice a qualified opinion - then you have the InfoJoy spirit. Look no further, vote Eris Caelestis for country president on May 5 and watch your eRepublik life turn into a wonderful and fun experience where you laugh your head off on a regular basis.

With Eris in the nation's front seat you will be well informed on what is going on, in eNorway as well as the New World in general. You will be encouraged and provoced to give your opinion on a number of matters. You might even be driven to engage in politics yourself. The only thing we can't promise you is that you will be bored. You'll have to manage that yourself.

Do not give in to InfoFear - join us in making this place fun again.

Vote Eris Caelestis
For Teknokratene! For eNorway! For InfoJoy!