Novine u boji / Article in colors [srb|eng]

Day 708, 00:50 Published in Serbia Serbia by soonchica

Version in english is below

Medijski prostor eSrbije, kao i eSveta, ne oskudeva novinskim člancima, o kvalitetu ovog puta ne bih. Među gomilom autora ima i onih koji se trude da im tekstovi budu, sem bogati sadržajem i vizuelno oblikovani tako da privuku i zadrže pažnju čitaoca. Oni naglašavaju bitne delove podebljavanjem delova teksta, većim slovima, ubacuju sličice da bi razdvojili pasuse...

Nažalost, većinu kodova za postizanje ovoga smo sami "provaljivali", jer su nam kreatori igre za članke predvideli jedino podebljavanje teksta i ubacivanje linkova, a čak ni to ne funkcioniše u potpunosti (svaki link koji u sebi sadrži ? neće biti funkcionalan).

Pokušala sam putem ticket sistema da od Admina dobijem spisak kodova koji se mogu koristiti za članke u eRepu, na šta sam dobila odgovor da treba da koristim postojeće... Yeah right!

Većina osnovnih BB kodova funkcioniše, a gde neće oni - koristite HTML tagove, mada, ruku na srce, ne rade baš ni svi oni,a neki rade čak i neispravno napisani (npr a href tag radi kad se upotrebi bez navodnika > a href=, ali neće raditi ako izostavite http:// a - ko zna zašto.

Da pređem na naslov 🙂

Pokušavala sam da dođem do teksta u boji na više načina (tagovima za font) ali bezuspešno, a onda se dosetila da pokušam sa editovanjem taga za koji znam da funkcioniše, tag koji igra koristi za podebljavanje teksta u komentarima (o da, u komentarima na novine ne rade BB kodovi, ali HTML se može veoma uspešno koristiti).

I tako sam tom tagu dodala style i odabrala boju i... voila! Tekst u boji. Negativna stvar (mada diskutabilno koliko je negativna) je što će tekst u boji biti podebljan. Možda neko od vas dođe i do kombinacije koja daje tekst u boji koji nije podebljan, meni nije uspelo 🙁

Kod kojim ćete dobiti tekst u boji, umesto "blue" možete ubaciti i hexadecimalni kod boje (klik na sliku da biste je videli u punoj rezoluciji):

Zahvaljujući igraču PeeKaBooh, hvala PeeKa xD, došla sam i do varijante sa "normalnim" slovima, kao i sa pozadinom u boji (lično ne volim pozadinu u boji, ubija mi čitanje nekako).

Za slova u boji bez podebljavanja:

Za slova sa pozadinom u boji:

Kao ljubitelj šarenila podstičem vas da koristite boje, nadam se da ih nećete zloupotrebiti xD

Media space in eSerbia, as in eWorld has no shortage of newspaper articles, I won't discuss quality of them here. Amongst authors there are those who try to enrich their articles visually as well as with content, so they'll catch and wheel in the reader, by using bold text, enlarged text, picture text separators...

Unfortunatelly, most of the codes we use, we got by "cracking" them ourselves, the game only offers bold and link tags and even those don't work always (if a link you use has questionmark in it - it won't show as it's supposed to).

I tried via ticket system to contact admins and get the list of codes that work in eRepublik newspaper articles, but I got the message to use the already existing ones (as I mentiond earlier - bold and link are all there is)... Yeah right!

Most of the basic BB codes work just fine in the articles and where they won't work - use HTML tags, although, to be honest, some of them won't work either and some of them will even if you don't use them correctly (e.g. a href tag works even if you use it like a href=, but it won't work if you use a - go figure!

And to get to the point 🙂

I tried a variety of codes to get colorized text (font tags) but had no luck and then got the idea to try and use a tag that I know is working, a tag the game uses to bold the comments (btw BB codes do not work in comments, but HTML tags do, very nicely).

So I added style to tag strong, chose the color and... voila! Colorized text. The downside is (aldo it doesnćt neccesserily mean itćs bad) that the colorized text will be bold. Maybe some of you out there can mix and mach a combo that'll give out colorized text without bolding it, but I couldn't 🙁

Code that gives color to your text, instead of "blue" you can use hexadecimal color code (click on the picture to view in regular resolution):

Thanks to PeeKaBooh, hvala PeeKa xD, I grabbed of colorized non-bold font, as well as colored background text (I dislike text with colored background it kills my eyes).

For "normal" colored text use:

For colorized background and text use:

As a well-known fan of colorful things I am asking you to use colors in your articles and hope you won't misuse them xD


EDIT: Use tags carefully or they won't work like they should.