November USWP Congressional Signups and other updates

Day 721, 11:43 Published in USA USA by USWP Communications

Hello everyone, this will be a short announcement with just a few things to cover. With Congressional Elections fast approaching the time to sign up is finally at hand. The Political Action Committee has opened signups for the Nov. 09' Election, so come to the USWP forums and sign up today!

We are also looking for anyone willing to be a blocker this election to please let us know if you are willing to do so! All candidates will be required to have their presentations private messaged to their Regional Director for review. Only after the presentation has been approved will the candidate be allowed to post their presentation and receive the USWP Endorsement.

Sign up to run here:

November 09' Congressional Elections: ---SIGN UP HERE---

In other news after severing in his temporary posting GoBucks has been relieved of the job and will be rotating into EB Emeritus. Jasper Ferguson has selected Panther to be the new Legal Department Director and we look forward to good things from him. He has already begun work on the USWP Legal Department and has begun to make some changes which he outlines here,

My Plans as the USWP Legal Department Director

The United States Workers Party is also pleased to announce the eEngagement of two highly-involved and high-spirited members.... Devan Kronos and Fionia!! Both have the fortune (or misfortune) to be in Congress, and continue to serve their fellow Americans in various roles. We wish them the best, and hope to see them working together tirelessly for the benefit of the party and the nation for quite some time.
