NOTICE: Think before you act

Day 886, 15:10 Published in Spain Spain by Armande Xavier

Dear Spain,

this is just a friendly suggestion to use your brains (provided you have any) before making boneheaded decisions. Believe me, it works. I've tried.


Letting Phoenix conquer Rhone-Alps and then quickly opening a war with Slovenia to try to wrestle it away from them before they could transfer it back to France might sound like a brilliant move at first - but it is not. Actually, it's just a new addition to an already long list of epic fails committed in our New World. While Poland still clearly leads all nations in quality and quantity of failures of epic degree, Spain is apparently working hard to catch up.

Attacking Brazil to open a war with Slovenia costs 2221.25 gold
Attacking Rhone-Alps with all the Polish population still in the region costs 2450.5 gold

Total costs amount to a whopping sum of 4671.75 gold

Now, what else could have this fortune been spent on? How about... on defending Rhone-Alps against Phoenix in the first place? At some point in the battle you only needed about 400k damage to secure the region. The costs of delivering this damage is estimated around 1600 gold...

Also, we should not forget to mention that Poland is now safely locked out from Western Europe, even if Spain re-conquered Rhone-Alps there would be no way to transfer it back to Poland. Poland's failure is even more hilarious considering the fact that they've just spent over 4000 gold on declaring war to Mexico - a country they will not even come close to having a border with during the next few years. Needless to say, this amount could also have been used to protect their precious Rhone-Alps region.

I will always remain Yours Truly,
Armande Xavier