Notes on the previous article’s paradox and the comments

Day 643, 15:59 Published in Greece Greece by Nikiforos Fokas

Following a number of interesting comments in my previous article, please see some additional data

Ratio EXPORTS / GDP (😵

1. GREECE 16,96%
2. RUSSIA 9,63%
3. INDONESIA 5,89%
4. FRANCE 3,14%
5. HUNGARY 3,12%

That’s where Buck Roger is right. Indeed a significant portion of the production is exported. The difference between Greece and the other countries is huge. Almost double the percentage from the second.


Ratio: INTERNAL CONSUMPTION (Housekeeping + Investments) PER CAPITA


1 RUSSIA 0,31 G
2. GREECE 0,30 G
4. HUNGARY 0,23 G
- FRANCE 0,23G

This seems again to be a paradox. Greece should have been last in this comparison. The conclusion is that whilst the country’s exports are significantly higher than the other top 5 GDP countries, it has a very high internal consumption.ratio.

Greece has become a paradise! Or perhaps something is missing? Is part of the production going to the strategic reserves, without being accounted somehow, in the other countries? The calculation of the GDP uses sales and not production. Is that correct? I wonder.