Note on the Current Situation in Austria

Day 2,105, 10:18 Published in Austria Austria by Travis James

My Fellow Austrians:

In light of the recent political events that have occurred, I thought it might be wise to offer my view on situation (for anyone who cares to have a look).

By now you all know that Austria will hold no congressional elections this month. The President, as well as the presidents of the major political parties, has given his stamp of approval to this move in an attempt to stave off the threat of PTO. As unfortunate as this may be for the people of Austria it is also unavoidable in the present situation.

Austria has the unfortunate honor of being a small community in the very heart of Europe. This has long made our country a target for PTO by one group or another. I myself have encountered numerous attempts by PTO-minded immigrants, multies and false friends over the years. My experience as an eAustrian (born in June 2009) has been marked by one PTO attempt or invasion after another. In the face of such a constant assault on our sovereignty a weaker people would have succumbed long ago.

However, Austria has a proud history of resistance. We have survived more invasions and PTOs than our enemies can possibly conceive of. It is that spirit of Independence that makes this little country great. For anyone that is disheartened by the current state of affairs I urge you to become involved in any way that you can.

Lastly I would like to tell the people of Austria that you have nothing to fear from your own government. Malicious rumors are popping up about gold and currency being stolen, but that is utter nonsense. This current government of Austria is inextricably linked to the resistance and independence governments of the past in ways that a PTOer wouldn’t understand. The current leadership channels the long forgotten heroes of Austria’s past, soldiers and politicians who also fought the attempts to wipe out this nation. Although many of those past leaders are now dead they would surely be honored to see that their spirit and determination live on.

Long live an independent and free Austria!

Rot Weiss Rot bis in den Tod

Forever in your service,

Travis James
Founder of the OIP
Former President
Longtime Former Congressman