Not another "Hail Turkey" article

Day 1,267, 15:28 Published in Turkey Serbia by eSerbian MoFA

I'm not sure whether to start this article with "Dear Turkish friends" or with "Dear Turkish saviors"... You know, it is never difficult to do something according to protocol - like to pick a false phrase to start new article with. But when you really have a friend in someone, and when your involvement in common tasks and actions surpasses simple "Hails", even such details and minor things grow to be the serious dilemmas. Things you really feel are always hard to say.

During more than two years of continuous fights for our common ideals and against our common rivals Turkey and Serbia built a strong bond - we built a great friendship on the foundations of ingame trust and loyalty, not being fooled and blinded by RL prejudices and other irrelevances.

Now, I am proud to call you my friends. Nothing strengthens the iron bond harder than alternately hot coals and cool water, and we had it both as we've been together through Heaven and Hell, side by side all the time. We flew together at certain times, we fell together at certain times, but we never let each other walk alone.

I'm writing this lines as an expression of my gratitude to people of Turkey. You know, we, Serbia, we have a hard time at the moment. Being surrounded by hostiles is not a pretty feeling, neither is being exposed to their constant strikes in an unjust and favoring system, with no real chance to stand your ground. At least not alone.

But when your friends arrive to help, and when colors of their flags back you up and give you strength and morale to push harder, you really get emotionally involved. You feel like "I'm not alone, I cannot fail!". You are glad to see the helping hand... That's exactly the feeling I experienced when masses of Turkish soldiers flooded the Serbian battles, when you guys gave your very best to support our effort to win and survive. Our effort to exist.

So thank you all a lot. A LOT. Thanks to your unselfish involvement in our defense I still have the privilege to write this article as MoFA of an existing country. Your help, my dear friends, shall never be forgotten.

Evil tongues might say: "Crap! You even aren't formally allied!", but I say: "So what?!" After this past few days, how could any Serbian player wish for the better proof of Turkish allegiance? Are simple words and letters better proof of true friendship than real actions, than real doings? I say no.

And I say thanks, once again.

Serbian MoFA