Not an Article About Forrest Gump! [TEKELIJA]

Day 1,331, 16:36 Published in USA Serbia by Jovan Tekelija

To my eSerbian readers, ово је чланак на енглеском. Прочитајте моје прошле чланке ако вам се да. Ако вам се не да...шта бих вам ја. 😉


I ain’t retarded… or at least that’s what my mama tells me.
But if you wanna play this game successfully you need to be a bit on the Gump side, if you get my drift.
So what I’ve decided is to run.
I wanna be a president of our great nation.
No, not America. Serbia. I’ve already tried eUSA.



Any sort.
This whole thing…I don’t have to tell you, but I will: It sucks!
We’ve become numb to everything bad that’s happening and that’s wrong if you ask me (I know you don’t).
So I decided it’s time I tried to do something about it.

^How can we sleep while our beds are burning?


I have several plans.
One that is likely to be most interesting is founding some sort of eInternational no-matter-what-alliance organization that will try to ‘solve’ eGlobal problems. Something like eUN.
Only this UN won’t wear silly helmets and try to present itself as an independent organization.

No, this eUN will be the embodiment of the voice of all eRepublikans, no matter what country they come from.
If we present our views to the Big Man this way, united, we might have a shot at achieving something.
Also, eUN could deal with the mischievous countries that decide they are too good for Change (I don’t mean change as in coins and sheeeet. I mean Change as in…um…what Obama said, but only for real!)

This might mean that ONE will have to dissolve(and Terra and EDEN) – so be it.
This is for the betterment of all eRep players.


I still believe there are enough reasonable people left in this New World.
I still believe we can sit down and discuss something that is bad for us all.
I still believe we can reach an agreement.

Am I Forrest Gump?