Nosrial Olem to Presidency - English Version

Day 623, 13:07 Published in Brazil Brazil by Nosrial Olem

Versão em portugues:>AQUI

Hey, on the 5th, the elections for president will take place. This right here is a re-release of my proposals and plans for the presidency for those who have not yet read or could not read it in Portuguese.


I was born in the New World, on 02/16/2009, invited by Sitenl. Quickly after I became entangled by this game. Especially its political aspects. Right after I became a congressman, for the USB party, and again in the next month. So I decided to soar to new heights and try for the presidency of the party. I was defeated by Mahdi Cleitus, who already was a good friend of mine. We became closer buddies, and tried to reach the presidency of the country after. We failed, but acquired around 1/4 of the total vote. With that outcome, I came to realize that power in eBrasil was going in circles. It was always the same people and I denounced those actions with few words. I almost left the game, but other projects made me stay. My own company was prosperous and elections were right around the corner. I lost the congressional elections but I made new friends, who showed me that eRepublik is a game with infinites forms to be played. I then entered into eGuerrilha, which from the beginning was a group of mercenaries, and I again became submersed in the game. I met new people there ( nuutxer, andman, thiago_sum and others) Together we tried to conquer Uruguay and failed. I am sure though that they are trying to conquer another country now. I have not left eGuerrilha just "froze my status" as a member. Now my focus is eBrazil. Now those that always ruled and misruled, have left the country. We were left with out an identity, or path. I am here to fix this, please take a look at my proposals below.
President Nosrial Olem
Vice Polonsky

Economy Andman

One of the most successful businessmen in eBrasil. Andman truly knows how to work in the Monetary Market and with companies. Besides the maintenance of the last month's company plans, we have in focus in this mandate as Ministry of Finance, will be mainly around our currency and acquirement of GOLD in a way that will not harm our economy.

Acquirement of Gold
-The acquiring will be based on the BRL offer, and not directly of gold in the Monetary Market. Doing this we can acquire more GOLD in a safe and secure way, and with more transparency, without price variations in the market.
-The stabilization of the currency will be around 0.031g to .032g for 1 BRL, when it is offered directly in the monetary market. The correct way will be for it to be offered in small amounts throughout the day so we can avoid that our currency can lose value when other offers with lesser rates appear. If it reaches a rate of .030 for 1BRL, all Gov't offers will be taken down, so the currency can regain value again and reach the area said above (.032 - .031)
-All GOLD acquired by the ORG Ministério da Fazenda made on day XX will be transferred in the same XX day to the ORG Controle Nacional. With all transactions being recorded with the total BRL offered and total GOLD acquired, with this everyone can see really what really goes into the ORGS.
-Sadly, we will not use national GOLD, for SWAPS of other currencies. This is speculation in the Monetary Market, but why? The motive is simple, speculations all have the risk and rewards, but national money is not made to be gambled away, and also the repercussions if it indeed got gambled away.

Federal Companies
-Total overhaul of our federal companies plan. In times of war, we will give priority to all federal weapon companies as with the ones that make moving tickets. Other federal companies will either be paralyzed or production brought to a minimum. Each companies open during the war time (weapons) will send a request to the Minister of Finances for an amount of currency to be transferred to the company so it can be maintained.
-Federal companies are responsibility of the President of the Republic, being that the same will transfer the funds (using Controle Nacional) and will name people to administer each company.

Stimulate and Help new Businessmen

-BNDES will be introduces, it will be a fund from an ORG of the same name, it will help finance companies that are opening or already opened and projects not govt related, for the developing of the industry in Brazil. This plan will be discussed with the CBSE, with its contract being made by the same people and the President and Minister of Finance. This will also see a growing of the national industry. It is worth mentioning that contracts with be made and lessons given to the new businessmen or ones that are in difficult times.
-A Secretary of Finance will be responsible for CBSE and BNDES.
-Only the Minister of Finance and the President will have access to the ORG. Ministerio da Fazenda

Weekly Convention of Brazilian Economy (CBSE)
-This will be a weekly convention where the Minister of Finance, or his Secretary, President and owners of companies and employees are invited to a chat where the economy of the country will be talked about and what ways we will follow and should not follow. After every chat a LOG off it will be posted in an OFFICIAL Gov't newspaper so the whole population can read it and take the necessary actions.

Communication Vinicius Torves

He will be responsible for all communication of the government. He will bring daily updates, about what is taking place on eBrasil on the gov't eyes. Beside official press releases and plans, another project that will be used will be IETV, which has in mind to amplify the power of the Brazilian media and the interactivity of the players.

Social CivMasters

The social program will be adopted in a similar way as it was in the Antonio Salgado government. Without the gifts to the private companies. This time the new players will be the priority of the gifts, and with those gifts a personalized message depending on wellness, your location and your job, with instructions for the maintenance of high wellness. Besides that the federal company that makes HOUSES will distribute houses to the new players, by way of contests to raise interactivity and interest in the game.
With that every 2-3 days an index of tutorials will be posted, and they will be more complete and cover wider areas of the game. Also the government will help support our BABYBOOM program, continuing our support to the project made by Cavalcanti, and it will be of urgent matter, seen that we need more people working and for our army. In a future article more about our social aspect will be released.

Foreign Relations Gahnkaz
The eWorld lives in a very delicate moment. Alliances withered away and other being signed. More than never it is interesting that eBrasil will not be an enemy directly towards anyone so we can avoid a surprise attack. As with South Africa, our talks will continue, but keep in mind that we will not return any territory just for returning, only with clear conditions and payments to the Brazilian govt, we will release more territories

With no doubt, our plan is to increase our influence and voice on PEACE. eBrasil is a country that has showed its power and utility to PEACE many times. I say that it was very little times that we were favored by PEACE when you compare us helping them. It is necessary that eBrasil be more respected in the alliance, so we can prevent acts such as the attack at the Canary Islands, where we had no help, where all we did was help Russia, Indo, France and Portugal attack North America.

eBrasil is new in this alliance. We will sit down, analyze and debate with other countries ways that we can strengthen ourselves, eliminating possibilities of attacks from other Alliances.

Military NinjaVelho

Mandatory Military Work
-The program of military work proposed during Darkvenom's presidency will be implemented, but with a limit of age. Only after X days of eRep the work will be mandatory. It is exactly 3 days per month working at 1BRL per day at the designated companies. Gifts and/or food will be offered for the maintenance of a high wellness, and the service can be cancelled anytime if an emergency happens.
-Since the army is big and there are some reserves, it will be a mess if all of them go to work at the same time. In the beginning, members will receive PVT messages so they can enter in the right companies, this way we can control more of the situation. The weapon and iron companies will be moved and located in their new ORGs of their respective battalion.
-The biggest gain is the economy; we will save more money, applying it in other places. Also we will have more money readily available in emergencies.

New Divisions in the Army

The current division of the army between the 2 ORGS is very good indeed, but there is still ways to improve. We will use the army as a mechanism to involve even more the new players, dividing big battalion into small groups of around 20-30 people. The objective is as follow:
1. Ease the distribution of weapons; the weapons will be given to the leader, which will then pass them along to each soldier.
2. Increase the contact of the citizen with the army. The intention is that the soldiers will have direct contact with their leaders, having them as reference and also taking directly with them, will help the soldier more in the game
3. Make the enlistment easier in case of an emergency. The army together with a new ORG - eIBGE, will register the highest possible number of members possible, with at least their first name in RL, cell phone number and email. In case that there is a huge emergency, i.e.: a PTO or a surprise attack, i.e.: Spain attacks Northern Brazil. The army chief will send SMS to leaders of each battalion which in turn will forward that SMS to the soldiers. Off course this will be all online, with no cost.

Creation of new Brazilian TANKS

Another project which will be implemented will be the creation of new TANKS. With the exit of many TANKS to eAustria, eBrasil lost part of its military strength. We need to recover that strength and expand it. There is two ways to do it.
*Baby boom and increase of soldier levels
This government will support both. The TANKS will be formed with government funding, depending on how close they are to Field Marshall and their strength. They will not be formed in direct wars involving our territories, such as an attack to Spain or Defending an attack from Spain. They will be formed in other battles being fought by our allies. Besides that those that are interested in becoming TANKS, will need to work harder and more rigorous, so in turn they can have the same rights as other soldiers while they raise their soldier levels.

Research Gustavo Chagas Gustavo Chagas
As said above, I will make eIBGE, which its function is to look at the profile of each eBrazilian during my mandate, your thoughts and suggestions. Its purpose will be to increase my knowledge of what the people want, which will help me guide the country better.

This is the end of the article, if there are any questions, please just leave a comment or pvt message or look for me in the chats, for those that don't know the contacts. They are
#EBR in (IRC) on MSN

This candidate is supported by the following parties.

Uniao Brasileira

Partido Igualdade e Liberdade

Partido Militar

Créditos da tradução: Rody/Fiquei Duro.