Norway Hits the Bottom

Day 2,092, 00:39 Published in Norway Norway by Jochen Lutz

Hello, dear readers!

Today I noticed something pretty frightening. Norway's rank is 70. The number of eRepublik's countries is 70 as well. I suppose we have always been far from the top, but right now we are not far from the bottom, we are not even close to the bottom, indeed we are the bottom.

I realise that our nation has plenty of problems related to players recruitment and newcomers' development. I cannot blame anybody for this fact and I do not wish to. I would only will to express my thoughts, telling me that something should be done urgently. We have many experienced fighters and our daily damage proves our strength, but without any fresh reinforcements we are doomed. Why do not we focus on bringing new players, helping and encouraging them to stay?

I think this must be the main goal of every government in the next few months, until we solve this issue. This is the hardest task, that is why it has not been discussed recently. Let's stop ignoring our desperate need of baby boom campaigns and motivation for the Norwegians to keep playing for Norway! Let's do something!

I would like to hear what you think and what you propose!
Thank you!