Norway Declares War!

Day 162, 13:53 Published in Norway Norway by Salve

Oslo, Norway - Amidst the confusion of yesterday's Swedish war proposal, and the subsequent hacker attack, another war proposal was put before our own Congress with a suprising lack of coverage. With almost no resistance from the Congress, Forconin's declaration of war against Russia was passed by a 19 to 1 vote. Timing could not be better, seeing as how the Indo-Paki Alliance will already have been called to protect their interests in Germany, and will now be forced to split their forces to protect Russia as well (Should they decide to honor their MPP which will not quite be official). Historically the invasion of Russia has been a near impossible task, however with solid support from the great soldiers of Norway, Finland, and Mother Scandinavia failure is not an option. Everyone remain vigilant, and good luck when we join together on the battlefield tommorow.