Northern Ireland to the Dail..

Day 1,280, 05:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ulaidian

Why me as a candidate..

Well, I am a new face on this oul block, and I have made sure that no one is in doubt regarding my motives...

But come ere.. there's more..

I'm not naive enough to think that Ulster can survive alone.. and I realise that in order to thrive and prosper, a united solid Ulster, in a United (geographically) solid Ireland can only be good for the Island as a whole, as well as my Province.

For this reason, I pledge to work my hardest, in making sure that the Government is pushed hard to truly represent the peoples wishes, and not skulk behind a Party whip.

Vote for me, and I will represent you, and you alone. I'll make your voices my own.

Vote for Honesty
Vote for Prosperity
Vote for Protection

Vote Ulaidh - I am an Ulsterman!