Northern Ireland Is Free

Day 1,036, 19:32 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Department of Defence

At 19:00 hours on Day 1036 the region of Northern Ireland was freed from the occupation of the eUK by the valiant efforts of the citizens of Ireland and our allies around the world. Congratulations to all who fought with valor for Ireland. We have done what we promised we would do.

Orders for the IDF are to prepare for a counter attack by the eUK. With the amount of activity in the Irish press recently they can not afford to leave Northern Ireland where it belongs. They will come. The only question is when. So preparations need to prepare immediately in case of an immediate counter attack.

I would like to congratulate Donovan Thomas for having the highest damage for Ireland.

If you are reading this and are not a member of the IDF you should be and if you would like to be...please go to this link

Anthony Colby - Co Minister of Defence
Donovan Thomas - Co Minister of Defence
Ian Arbuckle - Chief of Staff