North Korea is indeed Best Korea.

Day 702, 22:03 Published in USA USA by Sleeve

Dear eRep.

I took the plunge and bought a paper. I'm not the narcissistic type to have a blog in real life, or the twitter, and to be honest when they made facebook completely public it lost a good deal of its shine.

I do acknowledge that it does annoy me greatly when people buy newspapers and post useless things when they have absolutely no clue what they are talking about.

I am however, three beers into the evening, have the gold to spare, and have some thoughts I'd like to at least indulge myself with by posting. It's better then a wellness pack eh?

I am almost two months old here. In a reasonable showing of common sense, when I start in an MMO I learn all I can about the mechanics and game play. Took a while to muddle through the walkthroughs, catching the basics, and then the history. While the entirety of the eRep past is beyond my comprehension or grasp, in the process of learning the origins of the current conflict in the eUS(as half the continental eUS was red for eRussia at the time) I heard about North Korea sacrificing itself to stall eRussia's initiative. In this I learned about the importance of initiative in the warfare mechanics as well as the importance of allies. These lessons were also evident in almost any battle the eUS has won in taking back its territories. We are not as strong as all the allied support and tactical planning makes us seem.

Learning of N.Korea's sacrifice only brought on more questions. Like what happens when a country has no regions. They stop existing. During the last Congressional election I was reminded of N.Korea as some silly eRussian 'Shaolin monks' attempted to take over their government after facilitating a resistance war to liberate a N.Korean region. Being the helpful sort I was more then willing to abstain in the local eUS politics to keep this from happening. So I did.

Since then I have not regained eUS citizenship. This was for a few reasons. I frankly don't care for party politics, or at least what I've seen of it second hand. I hear it can be a positive experience but have not tried it much myself. After the thwarted take over N.Korea was once again thrust into non-existence by eIran. In my personal experience in MMOs, its cool or trendy to have something that can no longer be attained such as the N.Korean citizenship. The last reason was to hold the citizenship in solidarity for the lost nation. To remind people(or at least myself) about the sacrifice made for the eUS and the obligation that I at least felt we should have towards them.

I know that regaining an eUS citizenship would be easy. I know that the upcoming Congressional elections will be as important as they were last month for the N.Korean nation back on the map and all. I do not know how easy it will be for others to participate in this election or how valuable my keeping the citizenship will be. I am conflicted.

This article boils down to my uncertainty about what I will do if N.Korea stays intact this time. My original thoughts were to go ahead and get my eUS citizenship back, but now I am entertaining the thought of keeping it. I do not know how large the N.Korean community is, or how much of an effect I will have there or how much larger it would be there more so then here in the eUS. And if so, wouldn't that be reason enough to keep it and have more of an impact?