North Korea is back!

Day 1,215, 09:03 Published in North Korea Portugal by Bence Csordas

After yesterday RW North Korea is back on the map. I was glad, that not only me, but my friends from the Vörös Század (Red Squadron) helped too. I asked them during the RW to help, many of them said yes (darkm00n, Stucii, Matuska Oszvald, Rajk Laszlo, Szabics17, Vilagos Gyoergy, soma1976, Rakosi Matyas, Decsi Dani).

One of them earned the Battle Hero medal (Decsi Dani), useing many weapons and money, like the rest of the squadron! And now some pictures:

A good round.

Help is on the way!

Our Battle Hero.

The Red Squadron welcomes the liberated North Korea, sends friendly greetings! If you would like to get more infos about Red Squadron, you can find them at mibbit, room: #voros-szazad.