Norsefire Official Congress Election Manifesto

Day 1,153, 04:14 Published in Sweden Denmark by pho3nix
Norsefire builds its ambitions to reach congress on all fronts of the eSwedish society, namely politics, economy, military and society. Coming from eDenmark, most of us are used to a bit smaller scales in each of these aspects. We are however convinced that our ideas can take the strain of expansion - given that cooperation occurs.

One of the hardest aspects Norsefire faces lies in the economics department. That's because we have litterally no insight into how our economy is running. Our suggestions are based on estimated guesses and simple mathmatics. Therefore the figures we are presenting is not final in any way and we expect some debate and discussion form our final policies. We're looking for common ground with other parties but have a clear liberal approach to the market.

With the current turmoil going on in our economy, it is hard for anyone to know how the market is going to look within a few months. Admins have promised even more changes, which paves way for cautious investments. In spite of this, Norsefire would encourage the start of a eSlavery programe. As written in the Constitution of eDenmark, eSlavery was an integrated and well functioning part of the eDanish society. It kept prices low and exports high. As employees now face hard times even getting a job, Norsefire suggests a state funded programme to deliver minimum wage jobs in the grain and/or iron sector, across the whole skill spectrum. We don't different a good slave from a bad slave - 1,5 SEK is more than adequate to fill anyone's stommache at this point. It also serves as a good way of keeping Q1 food businesses afloat.

Norsefire has also noted a failure in the grain market during more stable conditions. In order to ensure a steady supply of market priced grain, we suggest a 5% decrease in income taxes for the grain sector, coupled with a 5% increase in import tax on grain. Seing how the food market runs on prices way above production costs, it is fair to say that the price of grain is not the price maker when it comes to food. In answer to that a decrease in grain tax would accomplish two things: it would spark investments from entrepeneurs into the sector, giving people a chance of employment as well as an increase part of domestically produced grain. To further stimulate the food market, food companies that invest in order to secure their own production chain are stimulated to centralize their profits in grain production instead of food production. To further promote self-sustainability and marginal cost pricing on food, an increase in import taxes on grain increases the demand for domestically produced grain - which once again acts as a carrot for food producers. This does not automatically make food prices drop, but rather makes the price of grain more interesting for food producers rather than earnings on food sales. Increases in prices will hence be distributed to both producer and consumer somewhat more balanced.

In conclusion:
- State funded grain/iron companies, minimum wage labour.
- 5% decreased income tax for grain sector.
- ~5% increased import tax for grain sector.

With the disapearance of the Phoenix alliance, the worlds awaits the lines to be drawn in the sand. Our commitment to EDEN is of big importance to Norsefire, first and foremost as a sign of reliability for our allies and adversaries. Two questions however troubles Norsefire, much reflected in our Danish approach to the game.

The Swedish Military(TSM) is a streamlined organization, and while the order structure remains well organized and functioning Norsefire sees a catch 22 in the structure of the programme. It remains inconclusive how the chain of supply for the military is established, and if payments to soldiers are based on market prices or production prices. While income taxes currently is at 25% across all sectors, military payments are based on damage done - and hence promotes more experienced players, while these players actually have the best potential to supply themselves. If TSM also makes payments based on market prices, a relative value on the market f.e the price of the cheapest 10 Wellness recovered, more senior players are once again favored, since these players are more capable to affecting, possibly even fixing, market prices. Norsefire would like to implement public spending commities, to decrease tax spendings and to ensure effective use of state funds in times of war. Norsefire would also decrease the importance of The Swedish Military by cutting spendings for it with a substantial amount and/or setting a maximum level of repayment for players. Read more about this in the society section.

In conclusion:
- Public spending commities for TSM to ensure production cost pricing.
- Reduced spednings for TSM and a maximum skill level barrier.

Norsefire is the party most experienced in Anti-PTO activities and strongly oppose any attempt to seize control of any party/account or political position. We admire integrety and applaud the efforts by Swedish officials to run background checks on all citizenship applicants. Norsefire acknowleges that citizenship is the key to the floodgates which keep PTO's out of the country, and will fully cooperate with all parties to ensure rigorous screenings of any applicants.

Norsefire has identified market failures in some sectors of the economy and believes this to be a result of a lack of information to the public. Norsefire therefore suggests the creation of a Ministry of Industry, with the purpose to monitor our markets and major exporting countries, inform and create awareness of price shifts and market bubbles, make market research in various fields such as willingness to pay, effectivness of marketing and consumer behavior, also to generally adving the public of good investments. The ministry should employ a Minister of Industry with as many additional co-workers as required to collect and publish data and statistics on a weekly/monthly basis. The ministry could also function as a sub-ministry under the Department of Finance, if this enables a more streamlined organization.

In conclusion:
- Rigorous screenings of Citizenship applicants.
- Creation of Ministry of Industry, possibly as sub-ministry under Ministry of Finance.

Norsefire, being the party devoting itself completely to the English language, sees many problems with the societal environment facing players every login. The Union stands at a crossroad, and must make up its mind on which way to attract new players - but most importantly, how to keep them playing.

The first, and most major change, Norsefire suggests is to keep all official shouts, articles, orders, comments and publications in general bi-ligual to the largest extent possible. Not only is this to ensure that the eDanish community can fully take part in the information broadcasted, but also to attract international players to join our community. Keeping communication in Swedish produces two things: (1) a discouragement for international players to join the community, since all their communication will be faced with barriers and more streamlined elsewhere. (2) Swedish also destroys the spirit of Unionism that some players are trying to achieve. Without a stream of international players joining, Sweden will face depopulation which will have repercussions in all aspects of the country's ability to function.

Norsefire also notes a sense of confusion as to why new players leave the game a short time after being born. While the key factor seems to be a premature use of the war module, Norsefire believes that the problem lies elsewhere. Either new players cannot afford to wage war - which indicates the need to make changes in the economy or the strucutre of the state funded military - or information is inaccurate, scarce or unaccessable. Norsefire suggests an upgrade of the current Mentor-programe, which includes formations of "wolfpacks" and integrating the Mentor programe into the sign-up bonus for the forum. When applying for the bonus, players are designated a wolfpack consisting of 4-5 players per group with one experienced player for every wolfpack. This creates a chance for new players to get into the community on a reasonable scale and an individual to direct any game-mechanics based questions to. Mentors can be rewarded based on a "level reached" system or a simple participation bonus.

While Norsefire supports a pro-slavery line in terms of working conditions, it also notes that an increase in the minimum wage would fill player's wallets - yet also multi-accounts - faster and could ensure a longer timespan for players.

In conclusion:
- Bi-lingual official broadcasts.
- Upgrade of Mentor programe, including the Wolf pack system.

- State funded grain/iron companies, minimum wage labour.
- 5% decreased income tax for grain sector.
- ~5% increased import tax for grain sector.
- Public spending commities for TSM to ensure production cost pricing.
- Reduced spednings for TSM and a maximum skill level barrier.
- Rigorous screenings of Citizenship applicants.
- Creation of Ministry of Industry, possibly as sub-ministry under Ministry of Finance.
- Bi-lingual official broadcasts.
- Upgrade of Mentor programe, including the Wolf pack system.
- Recognition of Danishism as state religion.
- Recognition of the Captain King of Denmark as symbolic head of state of the Union.