NoneSuch/Littleton 4 May!!!

Day 528, 20:52 Published in USA USA by Claire Littleton
- NoneSuch's Massive Presidential Candidacy Article -

New Article from NoneSuch! Check it out: HERE

This is the platform of my running-mate and Presidential Candidate, NoneSuch! Please take a few minutes to read all about his platform. If you want to vote/read the original he posted on his paper, then you can find it HERE! Be sure to read my conclusion at the end and subscribe for future Presidential Announcements! If you are a Libertarian, please vote for us with your support for the LIB backing HERE: Libertarian Endorsement Vote Rememer, only LIBS can vote on that article. Talia will be checking to ensure you are a LIB!

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From NoneSuch:

As some of you may may have noticed I am an official Presidential Candidate for the May '09 Election. I haven't had nearly as much time to campaign as some of the other candidates so I apologize for the length of this article in advance. I'm going to be putting every single one of my political stances in this article, who I chose as my running mate, and a brief history and some of my own notable accomplishments. Hopefully this single article will be all that I need, but if you still have questions or concerns please feel free to send me a PM. I'll be making it a point to respond to each and every one of you as open and honest as possible.


- Claire Littleton (Lib)

Internal Affairs
- Executive Powers
- The Military
- The Economy
- Partisanship

Foreign Affairs
- Atlantis
- Political Takeovers
- War Games

History and Accomplishments
- Party President
- Congress
- eMarine
- Economic Council

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Claire Littleton (Lib)

With Claire as my Vice President, I feel that I have an upper hand at getting people more involved in government. Claire's top priorities since she started her political career have been engaging new players and making government accessible to them. She understands, being only 2 months old, what it is like for new players to feel forgotten and left out of the loop. She pushed her way to Congresswoman winning Montana last month and then sweeping the battle-ground state of New Jersey this month. She specifically focused on New Jersey so she could continue her work as Deputy Speaker of the House and help Cromstar make government transparency and efficiency actually work in the eUS. As VP, she promises to engage more new and young players and help eliminate the secrecy that the current administration seems to rely on so intently. Claire has had two terms of upper-level Congressional experience as well as Executive experience as the White House Press Secretary. Lastly she even has military experience with the National Guard. Claire will be an invaluable asset to both my administration as well as the eUS as a whole.

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Internal Affairs

Executive Powers

The President is supposed to lead, am I right? After spending 4 years of my life learning to do nothing but lead I'm pretty sure I know what to expect from a leader. Ever since the era of Justin the Presidency has gone down hill. No offense to you Justin or Sam or even Scrabman, but after having our treasury stolen, forums deleted, and an impeachment, the Presidency has never been the same. I don't see any risks being taken and it's hurting our country. If you want to just "go with the flow" then by all means do so Mr. President, but leave the other 17,000 people in the eUS out of it. Take a risk, stick your neck out there, who cares if you get some political flak for it... at least you did something worthwhile. And no I don't mean take a brash risk and invade a country, I mean don't be afraid to actually make a difference in the country. Leave a legacy!

The Military

I'm a strong supporter of military autonomy. In a military autonomy, the military runs the military. Other than issuing the most basic of orders I would want the military higher-ups to decide everything from how many troops are deployed to what quality of weapons they use. Of course the President has the final say, however he doesn't manage the entire military single-handedly. Everyone knows that politics and warfare don't mix and I don't think anyone, not even I, can change that. I've dealt with many of the higher-ups in the military before rather well and am hoping that if given the chance I could continue with those good relations.

The Economy

I consider economics to be one of my strengths when it comes to eRepublik. The economy is rather stable right now and I hope to keep it that way. The Economic Council has always pulled through in the past and I don't plan on changing the current council in any drastic way. The current council and what they actually do behind the scenes would just blow your mind.

As for taxes, I give you my word that you will never see me supporting higher taxes. I know taxes are not something that The President has any direct involvement in, but it's something that I'd like to think I have a say in. Heck, I pay the same taxes everyone else does, I lose a fifth of my paycheck everyday too.


Apparently party politics has become a serious issue in our country. I know the admins haven't implemented the Civil War module yet, but way to get a head start guys.

While you may want your Political Party to be the best ever, just realize that while you're bickering and contesting over one another, there are more important things going on. I don't see anyone giving out 1st place ribbons for whoever can bash the USWP the most; all I see is people wasting their time trying to prove points that no one cares about. We're all eUS citizens, right? So let's start acting like it.

So what is my stance on partisanship? I don't have one. When someone PM's me I don't check their Political Party affiliation before I respond. If someone wants to work for the government in one way or another I'm not going to discriminate against you or for you because you like you Political Party more than the rest. Political Parties are just groups of people, people that might share a common belief. Whether the belief be that they want to take over the world or wanting save the polar bears or even wanting to kill the polar bears, whatever, I'm not going to care. You want a Cabinet position? PM me your resume, give me a reference or two, and that's it. I'll be looking for the best people for the job and that's it.

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Foreign Affairs


Well, we need allies, there's no questioning that. The question is which allies do we prefer? Do we want to align ourselves with the alliance that has taken over numerous other countries or do we want to align ourselves with the alliance that does the exact same thing but has the Admins? I'm going to have to go with the Admins on this one. Seriously though, Atlantis is the way to go, but we need to being a policy within Atlantis that won't promote a single country's dominance within the organization.

I like Atlantis and would like to continue being a member of it if elected. I'll push for tighter economic ties (ie. getting them to lower their Import Taxes from 99😵 and much better international communication (having Atlantis articles posted in our own media so you can know what's going on). I don't have much else on this topic other than to say that I'd continue to support our allies at all costs.


To be honest I'm not quite sure how things are being handled between the eUS and PEACE GC member nations, and that bothers me. How long have we been involved in the Portugal peace talks now anyway; it's been a while hasn't it? And what's this about us attacking them yesterday? To be honest I'm a little upset that nearly the entire country has been kept out of the loop with this issue Mr. President. Enough with the proxy articles linking us to other articles, they're not funny and I'm sorry that you aren't taking this just a little more seriously. If our country's welfare is a joke to you then you are in no position to be leading this country.

I'd like to keep hostility with PEACE GC at a minimum. The last thing we want is war on eUS soil tearing up our hospitals and defense systems. I've always believed that anything can be solved through diplomatic means so long as both parties are willing to sacrifice for the greater good. I can only hope that the diplomats I'll be dealing with feel the same way.

This doesn't mean though that I'm going to be a pushover when it comes down to the wire. If someone has an issue with us and just can't be reasoned with then bring it on. I realize full well that sometimes people just can not be reasonably talked with and need to have something thrown in their face. These colors don't run and neither will I.

Political Take-Overs

So while our enemies are out there stealing literally thousand of Gold from new countries to use against us, we sit here and do nothing. In regards to political take-overs of new countries I'm wanting to set up a program in which volunteers are sent over to new countries so that we can, at the very least, postpone these take-overs keeping the treasury intact.

I will not use this program to influence alliance affiliations in any way. I just want to do what is right. And if it means that doing the right thing is keeping our enemies from using stolen funding against us, then so be it.

War Games

I had a very well-prepared stance on the war games, but with this recent turn of events with Baja my stance has seem to have flown out the window. What I had planned on doing was ending the war games in Baja and proposing to Canada that we war game with them. Why weren't we having war games with our ally in the first place?

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History and Accomplishments

Party President

In case you didn't know, I was the previous Party President of the UIP. There's not too much to be said there honestly. It's not that I didn't do anything, it's just that I really think that it speaks for itself.


I've been an official member of Congress for 3 terms now. Even when I wasn't officially in Congress I still posted on the forums and debated the issues. I've always fought for a smaller budget, relatively smaller tax rates, and common sense. I know I may not be the easiest Congressman to get along with and I've probably made a few enemies in the process, but that's just the way political debate is. I've always tried my best to stay on topic and keep things professional. If I ever let anything get personal I've always tried to make up for it. I try to keep debate and relationships separate as much as possible.

I'm the guy that passed the proposition to stop buying hospitals below Quality 4. It didn't make sense to me that we had a Q5 in Florida and were still putting Q2's across the country. During the PANEC Tax debates I did all I could to keep Congress from passing a 25% Income Tax. I compromised with a 20% Income Tax and 3% VATs. I literally put the "N" in PANEC by the way. The most recent thing I got passed in Congress was the creation of the 5 weapon companies used to supply the military. It was a much harder debate than one might think.


Yes, I was an eMarine at one point. I resigned sometime in January just prior to the beginning of my Spring semester. Being a Platoon Leader at the time was a really time consuming job for me and I knew I wouldn't be able to balance those responsibilities and college. Last I checked though I'm still an honorary First Sergeant.

Economic Council

I was a member of the Economic Council from the beginning of Benn's term to around the beginning of Sam's term. It was a pretty boring job... lot's of numbers, so I won't go into it.

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Thank you for reading this as it was mega-long, but it is a full-on platform with all the details. Coming soon will be shorter and more in-depth articles that will focus on specific topics, so make sure to subscribe!!!. Again, thank you for reading this! If you could vote this up to get our name/run out there, that would be fantastic! Thank you again!

~Claire Littleton, New Jersey (LI😎
-Deputy Speaker of the House
-White House Press Secretary