Nogin the Nog for CP Sept 2010

Day 1,015, 02:45 Published in Ireland Ireland by Nogin The Nog Limited

Fellow Citizens of e-Ireland,

Today I am formally announcing that on September 5th 2010, I, Nogin the Nog, will be running for President of Ireland.

Under my leadership I will build on the work that past Presidents have started and help bring prosperity back to our great land, which sadly has fallen on hard times.

So some of you may ask, who is this ‘Nogin the Nog’, character?

I was eBorn on 11.03.2009 - Day 477 of the New World, I started off my life in the Northwest of Ireland, slaving away for a miserable wage, gathering up money and finally starting up a single company that has now grown into a Group of Companies that now total 21 employing 100's of people world wide (Manufacturing from Q3 to Q5 & Raw Material Q1) & own 50% shares in 3 other Major Groups in e-Ireland as well as several others in other parts of the e-World that all provide fair wages and company benefits to there employees.

I regularly provide low cost loans to Companies/Players looking to expand/start-up in Ireland/e-world if I consider their plans viable and have also have donated Companies to the Irish Government in the past at no cost, Travel and Gifts being the ones involved, as a repayment for help given to me when I was a new player.

The Nogin Group also sponsored the cost of providing the ICWU (Irish Construction Workers Union) (While we were running under V1), with a Q1 Housing Company & the necessary daily raw materials to run, to enable it to provide a buffer/transition company for Construction Workers with Skill 3-5+ (Irish state industries sacked workers upon attaining skill level 3). This Q1 Housing Company provided the workers with a fair wage and helped prevent Citizens having to leave Ireland to find Jobs and trained them in preparation for V2 when construction skills would be a needed skill.

Being involved in every aspect of Industry both manufacturing and raw material, has provided me with the business experience and insight into the problems facing our Citizens and Company owners just now:

Low wages for workers,
Non existent sales in some industries,
Dwindling if not non existent company profits,

All bad news for Ireland.

Company’s closing every day and jobs being lost, citizens having to move to other country’s to find work, we as a nation cannot survive like this.

We need proven active experienced leadership to get out of the current economic rut we are in, and move forward to make Ireland a better place for you its citizens.

I have Been and Held/Hol😛
Minister of Finance x2
Congress member x5
Vice president ISD
Party President EFTS x2

I hold the following Medals:
Hard working medals x16
Battle Hero x4
Resistance Hero x1
Super Soldier x6

I Have the following Irish Community awards
(voted by you the members of the public)
Most trusted politician
Best General manager x3

And am currently Ranked as the No.3 player in Ireland.
proving my dedication and devotion to Ireland and its people. Irish citizenship is the only citizenship i have ever held since i started out in the game, and it will still be irish the day i stop playing.

In the days leading up to Election Day keep an eye out for my campaign articles which will include my stances on the economy, foreign affairs, community, military and much more.

e-Ireland is a land of opportunity, vote for Nogin the Nog on the 5th Sept and lets build a better e-Ireland for all.

Anyone interested in becoming a future minister in my goverment, should i be elected, please sent a PM to:

jobs will be allocated on the basis of ability & enthusiasm to work for a better Ireland, and not based on party allegiance or any other outdated mode of selection.

Thank you for your time.

Nogin the Nog
Party President Economic Free Thinkers Society